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~*~ WARNING : A there is a rant about how Y/n feels surrounding Steve in a way, and a slight panic attack(Slight as in I have no clue if this could actually be a panic attack or just a break down, because i personally can't tell them apart, namely mine). ~*~

3rd Person's POV : 

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked Steve, though you could you could hear some disdain in your voice. You smiled at Steve, though you can clearly see hate in your eyes. 

Steve didn't look at you though, he just looked at Krel with anger. 

"STEVE!" Steve looked at you then, and you repeated, "What do you mean?" 

"How... how did we get back?" 

"Summoning circle, though it clearly wasn't for any of you. Most of you are human, a few..." You looked at Krel then Aja, "not. I have many..." You looked around, "friends, or family that could have needed me." 

"Why was Krel with you?" Aja and Eli said at the same time.  Looking in between you and Krel. 

"I was holding his wrist." They all look at you.

"Where were we? What did those people do to you?" They all look at you with that statement. 

"..." You didn't make eye contact with any of them. 

"Y/n." Steve reached out to you, but you backed up and away.

"We were in Gravity Falls, Oregon, though not the Oregon here. It is a completely universe, an alternate reality..." Y/n looked at the sky. "Those people gave me many adventures, a childhood away from father, scars," Y/n looked Steve dead in the eye, "my curiosity, and my stamina." 

"Y/n..." Krel reached out to you. You let him touch you, but you still looked at Steve, not breaking eye contact. 

"Steve. What did you ever give me? Cause Gravity Falls had 3 different dimensions of it that I went to all of them I had hell to pay in them, but I got something amazing in the end from all 3. What did you ever give me after you made me go through Hell?" 

Steve looks like he was about to say something, but you didn't stop. "There were many other places too. Then there where the people from here- I went through hell with a group, they are Trollhunters, you probably know who that is." You looked at Claire, Jim, and Toby for a second before looking back at Steve. 

"Y/n, calm down." Krel put you in a hug, and your breathing began to slightly quicken. 

"Y/n... I honestly don't know what you are talking about..." Steve looked at you, and tears pricked your eyes.

"I sent you a letter every day!" Steve looked at you, and you were trying to curl in on yourself, but Krel was doing his best to keep you up. 

"I never... received an letters, and if I'm being honest until mom brought you up not too long ago I would have forgotten about you entirely." Hearing that you pull Krel down with you. 

"Liar!" You screech at Steve, and Krel wraps his one free arm around you. 

"Aja!" Aja quickly helped him pick you up, and they took you inside. You refused to let go of Krel's arm, and screamed when other entered the room, that being Krel's room. 

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