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Y/n's POV : 

OMG I'm so dumb! 

I almost fell in love with my mortal enemy. 

I have a crush on my mortal enemy?

I - 


I think my mortal enemy is cute. Stars. . . my mind is so fucked up! I laugh bitterly before making the image disappear my running my hand over the mirror. 

"Y/n! Go to bed, we start school tomorrow! Get off of your mirror!" I hear Bat scream. . . . I - okay. I clap, the lights turn off, snap my fingers, my clothes change into (favorite pajamas), and I just jump into bed. 

~The Next Morning~

I wake up, clap my hands, the lights turn on, I look at the clock, 6 am, get up, and hop into the bathroom to get ready. 

(You do your normal every day routine, and dress like you normally do.)

You then walk out of your room, grab your book bag, your phone, and your pet bear, Tormenter.

Note : Tormenter is a 'black bear' that was originally 'born' blonde with red eyes, before his fur turned charcoal black and his eyes turned a brilliant purple when you guys entered earths atmosphere. Tormenter can change his size to roughly the size of a rather large panda bear to being the size of a mouse. His claws are sharper than knives, as well as his teeth. He can talk. He likes resting on your shoulders, and does not warm up to people easily. Tormenter is also 1 year older than you and protective as hell over you and has the ability to turn into a weapon to help you.

You walk out of the house with the rest of your Cheshire siblings, after breakfast of course. 

"Y/n? How long do you think the school will be able to hold us?" I looked at Ginger before shrugging. 

"No clue, my 'twin' goes to this school, so MAYBE about a month, give or take a few weeks." Ginger nods his head then stuck a hand full of gummy bears in his mouth. "Ginger, we just ate, how can you eat more?" I swear he has a black hole for his stomach. 

He just shrugs again, and we keep walking to the school, because why not?

We get to the office, and the principal does a double take when seeing all 13 of us, with all of our pets at their smallest size on our shoulders, all standing in front of him. 

I hear him mutter, something similar to bloody hell, I don't know I wasn't really paying that much attention, I was just watching his movements. 

He moves painfully slow on his computer. 


Why don't I tell you about my Cheshire siblings pets!

First is Chandler with his pet 'Wolf', Cuff. Cuff's fur is the same as that of a panda bears in pattern and color with green eyes. Cuff like Tormenter can change his size, just like him. Cuff has sharp teeth, dull claws, and excellent senses. He has the ability to turn into a shield to help Chandler. He is very protective of Chandler, and it takes him a while to warm up to people, though not as long as Tormenter. Cuff is the friendliest of the pets too. 

Second Cole, with his 'raven', Mood. Mood is the colors of a phoenix, but not on fire with brown eyes. Mood can also change size, though it is not recommended. Mood hates peoples in general, including Cole some days, he is the least friendly, though he doesn't take quite that long to tolerate ones presence. Mood has the ability to create a deafening screech that can actually make you permanently deaf. 

My pet has already been said. 

Gingers pet is a 'fox', named Simba. Simba looks well, like a fox version of the Simba from lion king with very dark brown eyes. He is neutral about people, and is very high energy. Simba has very sharp teeth, claws, and his fur turns basically into needles when agitated, and he can change his size. He has the ability to teleport, sounds fun, ain't when he is trouble. (A/N : Okay all pets can change their size and talk).

Ed has a 'lioness' named Charlotte. Charlotte is snow white with deep blue eyes. She is the very shy one, has sharp claws, is almost always sleeping. She has the ability to make ice everywhere, also not fun when she gets scared. 

Teo has a 'panther' named Lily. Lilly is actually a combo of black with pink paws and icy blue eyes. Sharp claws, quiet, quick, and always seems to be asleep but is actually awake observing. She has the ability to run faster than a car. 

Triks has a 'bear' like me named Rose. Rose is a strawberry blonde bear with crystal blue eyes. Rose is high energy, loves people, and is the most trusting, until betrayed, then she with kill you with her bare paws. She has the ability to make plants in general to do her bidding. 

Brady has a 'bear' like me and Triks too, named Doctor. Doctor has polar bear color fur with dark brown eyes. Doctor is quick, hates everyone who is not a Cheshire. They have the ability to heal people, and see what is wrong with them.

Lo has a 'deer' named Doe. Doe looks like a common deer but with red eyes. He is very quick, can make his horns appear and reappear, and his very low maintenance, he is 'scared' of people until they get too close to Lo, then he rams you in the ass. He has the ability to make his horns a weapon and make people fly when they are on his back. 

Sunny has a 'rat' named Yuki. Yuki is a common gray fur with deep purple eyes. Yuki is basically always asleep only awake to fight, I never see him awake, just makes me question when he eats. He is okay with people, unless you touch him, them he goes into fight mode and will bite the shit out of you. He has the ability to control shadow, not for that long though. 

Eon has a 'cat' named Chloe. Chloe looks like a classic orange tabby with blue eyes. She loves us Cheshire, bites everyone else, has sharp claws and teeth. She has the ability to transform/change her form. 

NO! has a 'bearded dragon' named Smith. Smith has golden scales, and brown eye. Smith likes the sun, doesn't like people much, is sharp, and likes resting on peoples heads to make them uncomfortable. He has the ability to camo himself and the people touching him, like a chameleon.

Yellow has a 'chicken' named John. Jon looks like the common rooster,, but with bright gold eyes. John likes to chase people around no matter what they do. He has the ability to summon the elements. 

The principal finally finished with his search on the computer, he prints out our schedules, and we finally leave his office after about 2 hours, I mean come on! How slow is he!?

I walk into what I think is my right third period. 




and see what is suppose to be my mortal enemy!- 

But he is so cute!~- My brain needs to stop!

I sit in the front, near my enemy. . . I then pull out my mirror and make it look like I am checking out my (makeup/hair/earrings/what ever), and be sure the mirror sees everyone. Then we go into a very boring, basic, and easy class. 

Krel Tarron x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now