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I scurried out of 221B Baker Street and decided to phone Tanya. "Hey..." I smiled.

"Hey babes, where did you go? Did you leave with that hottie you were dancing with? Sooooo Mary is in a relationship with his friend John. His names Sherlock, in case he hasn't told you, Sherlock Holmes, he's not very good with people according to John and Mary" Tanya chuckled.

"I might have done..." I smirked then frown. "Then we may have gotten interrupted by John returning and shouting at him. Wait! You mean I was gonna... sleep with the famous detective Sherlock Holmes?!"

"Might have done?" She giggled "you slut!" She giggled again "sooooo, tell me all about it! And yes you did!"

"I am not a slut! Nothing even happened" I chuckled. "He's really nice hun. Oh umm... Steven thinks I stayed at your house last night so if he calls umm tell him I went to the shops or something" I got up from my seat in the little cafe that resided next to 221B Baker Street and walked to my friend Shannon's house.

"Ok babes, so if Steven calls you've stayed at mine and gone to the shops got it!"

"Cheers doll! Yeah, he's nice hun, super sexy" I bit my lip thinking about what happened between me and Sherlock before John got back and started yelling. "I really think I'm falling for him, what do I do?" I asked nervously.

"Well why don't you see him again if you really like him babes, maybe see if he's got a cute friend for me?" She giggled.

I chuckled. "I thought you wanted Tony's phone number?" I teased.

"Well yeah, but, a girl can never have enough men in her life right?" She giggled again.

"You're such a slut!" I laughed.

"And where are you again babe?" She queried.

"Currently at Shannon's actually"

"You sound like the slut babe, at a strange guys house last night that you've never even met before" she chuckled. "Why you at Shannon's anyway?"

"Oh come on! Don't tell me you've never slept with a stranger!" I argued. "I'm at Shan's cos John came home early or something and started shouting at Sherlock and I got embarrassed and kinda scurried away" I blushed.

"I didn't sleep with anyone last night" she giggled "but it's always fun right?"

"Dunno, haven't done it before, you know that. No you didn't last night but you have before. Like the time you slept with those 2 guys on the same night and woke up extremely confused!" I burst out laughing.

"Yeah yeah, it was still fun though" she said.

"Then phoned me the next morning completely freaking out, did you not?" I chuckled.

"Yeah ok, point taken"

My phone buzzes with another call. "Right I gotta go, got another call coming in. Bye honey!" I ended the call. "Yes Steven?" I said answering the call.

"Where are you princess? You said you would come home, daddies been very bored without you to play with" he said down the phone.

"I told you, I'm at Tanya's. I'll come home in a bit. I need to shower and have breakfast"

"Don't take too long I'll come and get you from Tanya's in an hour princess" Steven said.

"No it's ok. I'll walk, we're going into town anyway" I lied shivering as was cold and it had just started to rain.

"Hurry up, I'm getting lonely without you and I've got a job for you to do" he said.

"Of course you have" I sighed and rolled my eyes as I knocked the door to Shannon's bungalow. "Goodbye Steven"

He's different: Sherlock fan fiction: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now