14: Sherlock's POV

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It was now Christmas, once dinner was over I sat down in my usual spot with Sasha in my lap as the others all gathered around the tree. I had a blanket wrapped around us, she was drinking hot chocolate out of a Santa cup.

John was sat in front of the tree passing around presents.

Sasha got clothes and anything band and doctor who related. And a necklace from me.

I just got a bunch of new shirts and stuff and a large box of pretzels from John for a joke. "John you want me to get fat or something" I joked and we all laughed.

John got me a real gift which was a pair of headphones for the skull that hung on my wall.

It was time for Molly's bag of presents.

"See you've got a new boyfriend Molly and you're serious about him" I said.

"Sorry what?" Molly replied.

"In fact you're seeing him tonight and you're giving him a gift"

"Take a day off Sherlock!" John said.

"Oh come on, surely you've all seen the present in the top of the bag, perfectly wrapped with a bow. All the others are slapdash at best, something special then. Shade of red goes with the lipstick, either an unconscious association or she's deliberately trying to encourage. Either way Miss Hooper has loveee on her mind. The fact she's serious about him is clear from the fact she's giving him a gift at all, that it would suggest long term hopes however full on, and that she's seeing him tonight is evident from her makeup and what she's wearing. Obviously trying to compensate for the size of her mouth and breasts..." I trailed off as I picked up the present and read the label.

'Dearest Sherlock, love Molly xxx'

"You always say such horrible things, every time, always... always"

Mycroft and Greg went outside to smoke, Mary went with them while me and Sasha stayed inside cleaning, Molly stayed to help before she went outside in the cold.

Shortly after she stormed in "its snowing!" She yelled in excitement

"Oh god it's cold" I burred sitting by Sasha.

"Yeah it is but it's nice out here" she nodded in agreement looking off to the distance of the snow sticking to the ground and rocks.

I looked over at her and smiled kissing her cheek.

She looked over at me and kissed my lips making me blush in front of everyone but they didn't seem to notice cause they were busy watching the snow.

"I love you" Sasha whispered with a grin.

"I love you too" I smiled as I kissed her.

People started to leave, I followed Molly outside and closed the door to my flat as I wanted to speak to her alone. "I'm sorry, forgive me?" I asked softly.

"I always do Sherlock, she's a good lady, take care of her. Just promise me one thing?"

I looked at her and uneasily shuffled on my feet.

"Don't hurt her, and please Sherlock... stay off the drugs"

I chuckled.

"It's not funny Sherlock. I've seen healthier people on the slab"

Later that night everyone left except John who stayed and had a few more drinks with us.

Once he'd left Sasha sighed putting the dishes in the sink.

I leaned against her putting my hand on the small of her back. "Don't be sad" I kissed her lips.

"I just can't bare to think about what my mother is missing out on"

"You'll be ok, you've got us now, me, John, Mary, Molly, even Mrs Hudson will be with you. I'll see if my brother will hang by to, since he doesn't live far" I said hugging her tight from behind.

"I don't know" she said with a sigh but I guess she agreed anyway "We'll FaceTime every night ok?"

"Ok" she sighed.

I picked her up to carry her to bed.

"I'll see you soon I promise!" I said with a frown.

She sighed but nodded.

"I love you"

"I love you too" she whispered back.

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