8: Steven's POV

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"What did you say to her?" Kelly asked as she walked back into the room all dressed up.

"I don't know, honestly she just seemed to be in a bad mood. Wow you look amazing"

She grinned and kissed me.

"So shall we?" I grinned.

"Most definitely"

I took her by the arm and lead her out to the car.

Kelly smiled excitedly. "I'm sorry I've been so distant lately. Been so busy with work and you know how it tires me out. You and Sasha seem to have gotten close"

"Yeah she's a lovely girl, and she is your daughter, I wanted to make the effort"

"Yeah. She's a good girl"

"Yeah. She really is" I grinned to myself.

She got in the car and buckled herself in.

"She takes after you"

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Kelly chuckled. "So what's this I hear about you and her?" She asked.

"What do you mean me and her?" I asked.

"You know what I'm on about" she said looking at me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Something you wanna tell me? Looking uncomfortable there hun"

"I don't know what you're on about" I looked at her confused.

"The arguments you keep having with her. Why?" She asked.

"She's just strong willed"

"Yeah, so are you"

"All I want is to make sure she's safe"

"Steven, baby. She's 24 she's able to take care of herself. You rarely let her go out" she paused. "So where're we going and when're we there?"

"I'm sorry, I just worry. That's all"

I smiled and leaned over kissing her cheek. "I know and I'm grateful"

"We are almost there, I'm sure you can guess where we're going, it is your favourite after all"

"Oh the hungry horse! I love it there. It's beautiful inside"

"But not as beautiful as you"

She blushes and looked away. "Why're we coming here anyway?"

"I just thought it would be nice, you've been so busy lately"

"I'm still waiting for that massage babe"

"What in the car? Can you not wait until we get back?" I chuckled.

"No, not in the car" I chuckled. "Sorry I've been so busy with work lately"

"It's ok, that's why I decided to go out tonight, so when can spend some time together"

"We can do that at home though" she smiled. "What would I do without you"

He's different: Sherlock fan fiction: Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant