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I sat on the floor by the window, watching it pour with heavy rain.

Listening to the raindrops on the window was the best sound ever and if anyone says it wasn't, they're lying!

Sherlock was leant against the door with his leg and arms crossed, I didn't notice him there as I watched the raindrops and the thunder. "What are you doing on the floor?" I heard him ask then saw him sit beside me putting his arm round my waist.  "Shouldn't you be getting ready for the party?" He asked in a calming voice 

"It's not for a few hours" I said with a sigh.  

"They'll here way before a few hours" he chuckled.  "Come on honey" he sighed "it's your birthday" 

"It's your birthday too on the 19th, we should celebrate yours too" 

"No" he said sternly "I just wanna do a party for you before I have to go away again." 

Sherlock helped me on my feet, I was rather pregnant and showing now. "I hope you didn't spend too much on a present" I said with a sigh

He smirked with a chuckle  "It'll be ok, I'm sure" he chuckled.  

"Sherlock! What did you do?" 

"Shhh" he put his finger on my lip.

"Not till later" 

"Did you do something bad?" I smiled with a little giggle.

He shook his head with a smirk  "No" he smiled "just get ready" he left the room.

I stood there comfused... what do I wear to a home birthday party?

I sighed and just put on a gray sweater with a gray scarf over it and blue jeans that weren't ripped. The scarf sparkled with the light shining down on it. I looked at the mirror and shivered.

No one was arriving for a few hours so I went and laid down on the bed and closed my eyes.

I looked around, I wasn't in my bedroom anymore. I was in a forest, with no ghost hunting equipment, I was just taking a walk.

I saw the wolf man howl looking at me, it was like he wanted me to follow so I did when he ran. He lead me to huge circle without trees or anything, just a big space, in the middle was a guy in the black suit he held somthing in his hand.

A box.

I walked up to it even though in the movies you don't do that.

He held his hand out to me, instead of hooves it was a skeleton hand, he held the box out to me with his other hand.

It was an old rusty box with symbols and markings, I took the box slowly but he nudged his head down to a nod like he wanted me to open it.

My heart raced as I opened the box.

An old and rusty dagger was inside.

He took it out of the box and handed it to me I took the dagger.

My head got heavy but I soon couldn't control myself, it felt like he'd looked into my soul. After I grabbed the dagger my arm started to move up to my chest.

I started to shake and struggle.

The man in the suit was making me commit suicide...

Or was trying to at least.

He's different: Sherlock fan fiction: Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu