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"Not even going to ask" John chuckled and looked at me.

I tried to stop the rising blush that took over my face.

"I've never seen Sherlock like this before and I've known him for years"

"He's not as cold hearted as everyone thinks once you get to know him" 

"I've known him years Sasha..." he says looking at me.

"Heard you the first time John" I nodded and ate some of my cake. "You think he'll be a good father?"

He shrugged. "I would hope so, you'd just have to keep an eye on him and be patient I guess"

"It's been a lovely day, thank you for helping Sherlock arrange it, you probably didn't have much choice in the matter but I still all appreciate it" I chuckled.

He nodded and smiled.

"You look tired hunny" Molly said looking at me.

"Yeah I feel shattered, being pregnant is definitely draining"

"We should probably get Amelia home and settled John" Mary said promptly as she knows the struggles of pregnancy.

Thank you I mouthed to her with a tired smile.

"Am I still ok to stay here?" Tanya asked cautiously.

"For a bit yeah"

"She can stay with me if you like?" Molly chirped.

"Thank you Molly"

"It's ok, I'd appreciate the company if I'm completely honest"

A20 minutes later everyone left after helping clean and tidy up.

"Steven's been trying to find you... keeps coming to mine hoping to catch you there..." Tanya says.

I sigh. "He's been even more desperate since I stopped living there, I hate him after what he did to me. If he ever found out about Sherlock and John and all of this new life I've made for myself... I don't even want to think about what he'd do to me Tan..." I looked at her shaking my head as I place my hand on my bump. "He's not coming anywhere near you little monkey I promise" I sat softly as I look down at my bump as I can feel it kicking and moving trying to get comfortable

He's different: Sherlock fan fiction: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now