20: Sherlock's POV

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Sasha was taking longer than usual in the bathroom so I went to check on her, the bathroom lights were off which was confusing so I went to our bedroom to see if she was there.

She was curled up on our bed asleep with her hand on her beautiful baby bump.

I smiled at the perfect sight in front of me.

"No... please don't" she groaned in her sleep.

"Shh, it's ok sweetie" I laid behind her placing my hand on hers as I gently stroked her hair and cuddled her.

"I won't... I not... no! not Sherlock please" she muttered as her breathing became heavier and she started squirming more.

"Sasha... you're safe darling, it's just a dream no ones going to hurt us I promise"

She stirred and lifted her head looking at me as she was shaking and breathing heavily. "W-what?" She said then grabbed her head like she had a headache and placed her other hand on her bump.

"You ok? You were tossing and turning and you kept crying out"

"Bad dream..." she looked at me with foggy eyes.

"You're safe, so am I and so is... the uh... the small human" I put my hand on hers and kissed her cheek. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"It's called a baby, Sherlock" She said as she moved her hand from under mine then put it on top of mine.

"It's moving! Is it supposed to do that?"

She chuckles. "Yeah our baby is happy to hear your voice" she smiled.

"You can feel it move inside you?"

"Yeah, at first it just felt like butterflies in my tummy like when people get nervous, then it got bigger and I can feel it more prominently now" she nodded.

"Tell me about your dream?"

"There was this man in a cloak in my dream who... he wanted me to kill myself... he looked like Steven in a weird sort of way but he... he was like a skeleton in a suit... Steven never wore a suit"

"What?" I looked at her confused.

"I-I don't know baby..." she teared up then got up and went into the bathroom locking the door.

"Sasha! Open the door please"

"W-Why?" She croaked, pain and upset clear in her voice.

"It's not worth the scars darling"

"Please make it stop... These horrible dreams have been going on for years but I had hidden them until now!" She yelled almost crying.

"It's ok, abuse changes everyone, especially sexual abuse. I've been through it too remember?" I said.

"I..." she sighed and got up opening the door to leave the bedroom.

That caught my attention I looked back. "Man in a suit?"

She shrugged. "It doesn't matter now..."

"It does if it's been going on for w while. Can you describe the man" I asked accidentally grabbing her shoulder a little rough.

"Sherlock..." she looked at me and dipped her shoulder.

"Sorry, not good?"

"Little not good yeah, little rough"

"Sorry. Can you describe this man in your dreams for me?"

"Tall, skinny, somewhat of an evil mischievous smirk, in every dream he's wearing a suit, sometimes it's black, sometimes dark blue, sometimes light grey... his hair is always perfect and his eyes are dark but have somewhat of a shine to them"

"It can't be..." I muttered quietly as I put my hands palm to palm and rest my fingertips under my chin.

"Can't be? Can't be what... or who?..." She asked warily.

"Did he say anything? You said he looked like Steven. Are you sure?"

"I think so..."

"That isn't good enough Sasha! I need a definite answer" I said accidentally getting frustrated with her.

"Sherlock..." she said sternly.

"It doesn't sound like he fits Steven's description. Did he say anything? Or do a specific action at all?"

"After the first few dreams he asked if I'd missed him..." she stuttered.

I heard a door open from the other room so I walked out the hall and saw a few things were moved around in the lounge. "What?" I said to myself.


"Sasha, why are you laughing in my ear?" I looked back and she wasn't there

"What?" I heard her walk out behind me.

"You weren't just laughing In my ear?"

She shook her head "no"

We stared at eachother in silence for quite awhile.

"John! How long were you here?!" I grabbed my chest feeling my heart racing.

"Honestly like five minutes ago" he responded "but I wanted to give y'all a birthday scare" he laughed.

"Gee thanks! As if chasing chrominance  and being pregnant wasn't bad enough!" Sasha said in a slight grump "best birthday present ever" she said in a sarcastic angry tone.

"I'm sorry Sasha and bump" he said.

"You almost scared the baby out of me"

He laughed leaning against the stove. "That would've been bad"

Molly and Mary came in holding the pizzas while Mrs Hudson had the cupcakes.

He's different: Sherlock fan fiction: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now