Mr. Brightside

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The party was booming with music blasting throughout every corner of the house.

Niall sat on the couch smoking a joint he didn't remember having before but is glad for it in the moment. He inhales it feeling it swirl down his throat and into his lungs as the song changes.

Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine

He stopped all his movements for a moment letting the feeling of marijuana settle in his bones as well as the memories this song carries seep into his mind and he realizes no drug in the world can truly make him forget everything.

Some blonde sits next to him trying to flirt but he pays her no mind.

She's not her.

Gotta gotta be down because I want it all

He gets up suddenly feeling too trapped in the comfort of the tattered couch. He makes his way through the swarms of people to the bathroom.

He switches the light on watching as it starts to flicker out causing the room to still be somewhat bathed in darkness.

"Shit" he says, looking at the lightbulb before stepping to the sink and letting the water rn scooping some in his hands and letting it fall on his face

It started out with a kiss how did it end up like this

He chuckles as the water drops run down his face and he still hears a whisper of the song he was so desperately trying to escape.

Suddenly he hears her laugh. He swears it's his mind playing a trick on him; it couldn't be her.

It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss

He needs more weed, or more vodka or both or maybe something stronger. He needs to forget. He needs to disappear to erase her from his memory.

He steps out of the bathroom being enveloped in the dim lights of the party and the sounds of drunk people screaming and having the time of their lives. All while he feels like he's drowning

Now I'm falling asleep and she's calling a cab

He hears her laugh again. This time followed by words

"No one is in this room" she says pulling him along with her.

"What if someone walks in?" He asks, hesitantly following her into the room.

"That's what locks are for," she says, stepping out of his grip to flick the latch on the door closed before making her way back into his arms.

They lean in and start kissing as the song switches and she pulls away

"I love this song" She says with their foreheads touching

While he's having a smoke and she's taking a drag

"Then it can be our song" He says against her lips watching as she smiles before kissing him again


"Niall" someone says pulling him from the memory "We're doing shots come here" he says gesturing Niall to the kitchen island

"Maybe later" He says turning to face the hallway before walking down it and slowly opening the door at the end

Now they're going to bed, and my stomach is sick

Niall looks around the room taking in the familiarity before rushing to the adjoined bathroom and puking right into the toilet

"Fuck" He says as his head starts to pound and he hears her laugh again.

And it's all in my head

He opens the door slightly to see two people in the room on the bed

It couldn't be

But she's touching his chest now he takes off her dress now

He slams the bathroom door to somewhat signal to the two they are not alone

"Shit" He hears the male voice say before the two giggle and walk out most likely to find another room.

Let me go

He leaves the bathroom and locks the door to the bedroom banging his head on it

He can't fucking erase her no matter how bad he wants to

And I just can't look it's killing me

And taking control

Niall Horan One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now