From Saturn To Mars

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This is inspired by "Astronomy" by Conan Gray

You missed him.

Getting into the relationship you knew you would, but you didn't think it would be this bad.

But it only got harder as the days went on.

Maybe it's because the phone calls were less frequent, the conversations were shorter, and the time zones were kicking both of your asses but it didn't feel like it did before.

Like you were on separate planets instead of different countries.

The visits were always short. Whenever either of you could find a few days to get to each other, they weren't filled with much excitement.

It already felt over.

And it fucking sucked.

Because you did love him. You wanted to be with him. Every time you pictured your future he was there.

But now it's all just a mirage. Not the real thing but some fantasy you so wish were true.

Picking up your phone, you call him.

"Hey" he says after picking up on the fourth ring. "Everything ok?"

He sounded happy.

"Hi, um yeah everything is good, I just wanted to talk to you"

You thought hearing him would help. Like all your worries would float away, and any bad feelings would vanish.

But that didn't happen.

You thought you'd feel close to him. But now, hearing him sound so happy and excited while you were crumbling made it clear.

You were worlds apart.

"How is everyth-"

"I'm sorry" you say interrupting him.


"I'm sorry"

"Why? What happened? Love, what's going on?" He was confused. Confused, nervous and he had to be on stage in 20 minutes.

"I love you, I do. I need you to know that"

"y/n. what's happening"

"I can't do this"

He went quiet. You heard noise in the background. His bandmates goofing around before the show.

"Can't do what?"

His voice sounded broken. Like speaking up might make him shatter.

"Us. I can't do us"

"What do you- what do you mean?"

"It feels like- Like we're two worlds apart. Like we're not on the same page and we have all these obstacles in the way and we're fighting to save something that's been gone for so long."

"It's not. It's not gone."

You knew he was crying. Could hear it in the way his voice breaks. He's trying not to crumble but he's so close.

"It is. It's been gone, we're just now realizing it"

"You're not making any sense. Just- just let's talk about this ok. Let's talk in person, you can fly out for the next show-"

"I don't want to keep flying out from city to city just to try and feel like a normal couple. I can't just pick up a suitcase and fly around the world whenever you ask me too"


"I'm Sorry Niall I just. I can't keep doing this. It's not fair to either of us. We're not happy, and I think we both deserve a chance to be"

The line was quiet. The reality of your words hitting you and making you realize exactly what you just did.

"Okay" He says soft and meek. As if he's trying to feel small. "Then. it's over"

You take a breath as he stays quiet.

"I'm really sorry"

And then he hung up. Just like that. Everything you had known the last four years was over.

The tears fell as the sky started to get a bit brighter with the rise of the sun.

You were gonna be okay. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But you would be okay.

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