For Peace of Mind and Loss of Heart

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Luffy hasn't moved.

As far away from him as I am at the moment, my eyes are sharp enough to note just how exhausted he is. Whatever that "Gear Second" of his is, it's a major drain on his body's energy reserves. That sucks for us, because apparently, he can't move, judging from the sorrowful look on his goofy features.

Sighing, I step up to the edge of the prop we're occupying, gauging the distance separating it from his. It's nothing unreasonable, and I nod absently as Nami suggests we bring the escape ship we've procured alongside his prop and just scoop Luffy up during our daring breakout. Still. That'll take time we don't have.

Raya... Honoo's voice rumbles a throaty warning, and again I can perfectly picture her, curled up in a fluffy, flaming mass, her tail contently draped over her nose. Amber eyes boring into mine. Dear, don't be an idiot - I know you have it in you to act your age. Leave the matter of your captain to that lovely navigator of yours.

"No can do, Honoo," I mutter, already backtracking, jogging back a good twenty feet or so. Just enough to give me the momentum I need. "Idiots are attracted to other idiots, ya know? It's scientifically proven. Why d'ya think Zoro and I are together?"

Quite against her will (I can tell, just trust me) a snort of laughter leaves her, and I take that as my cue, sprinting for all my demonic worth and just as my toes meet the prop's edge, launching myself like a badly thrown shot-put over the chasm-like divide stretching out across the violent waves. At the apex of my (probably mistimed) leap, flames burst from the soles of my feet, lending me an unprecedented acceleration that allows me to clumsily land just shy of my practically comatose captain.

Oh, man... I can just see Zoro rolling his eyes at me... So lame.

Winging my arms for balance, I hop forward, not wanting to have the singing sea right at my back. The ocean winds tear at my ragged hair, slashing it across my eyes, nose, mouth; I irritably spit out the clinging red strands as I fumble around, dropping to my knees at Luffy's side.

He grins upon seeing me, despite the blackening bruises that mar his skin, despite the blood staining his entire body such an unsightly red. He smiles, because he's happy to see me. And I couldn't be more indebted to him.

"Raya! You came to get me?"

"'Course!" I smile, shifting him slightly so that I can slip my arm around his waist and throw his over my shoulder. "What kinda nakama would I be if just left my cap'n all by his lonesome in Hell? Even a demon wouldn't just abandon ya like that."

He laughs, that childish, high-pitched laugh I've come to recognize as well as my own, and I can't help but join in. We're laughing like the fools we are, but we've a right to. We're alive, we're together, and we have a crew to get back to.

My muscles protest with a vengeance as I attempt to stand, Luffy's weight (though minimal, considering what he packs away for every damn meal) like a barbel strapped to my shoulder.

I'd rather not inform you that I told you so, but...

Ha. Ha. Thanks for the support, Honoo, I growl internally, all but biting out the words. That's just what I need right now, really helps me muddle through the back-breaking labor.

You're being over-dramatic again, dear.

Oh, I think I'm justified in being just a bit over-dramatic. We have literally been through Hell and back on this trip. A few minutes of drama are warranted, I think.

Yes, but later, when you're certain you'll have a lifetime to redeem your overly dramatic self.

...Fair point.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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