When Chefs Are Scarier Than Pirates...

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Raya's POV

Sooo... wanna take a guess as to how Luffy dealt with the Marines?

Did he talk camly and rationally with them, try to convince them we're not a threat? Pft. Yeah right.

Did we high tail it out of there, because God knows we've had enough of the Marines? No, but I wasn't expecting that in the first place.

Did he bounce a cannonball off his over-inflated stomach, consequently shooting said cannonball into the restauraunt and nearly killing a bunch of people? BINGO!

Of course, Luffy was horrified and immediately went to talk with Zeff about his punishment. And while it didn't surprise me, per say, I still wasn't used to how unpiratelike he could be.

And this is what I'm thinking about as I follow Nami, Usopp and Zoro into Baratie. Johnny and Yosaku offered to watch the ship, for which I am eternally grateful. I could not imagine eating lunch in public with those two baka.

The four of us take a seat at a table that's unoccupied. I sit next to Nami and Zoro so that Nami is nowhere near the Swordsman. Because, apparently, she can't stand Zoro OR Luffy when they eat. I snicker at that, but honestly, I've seen her drink. Girl can pack more sake into her than even Zoro! And he has an inhuman tolerance for alcohol.

I know this because two nights ago, Zoro and Johnny had a drinking party, something about celebrating old memories, which quickly escalated into a contest. Johnny passed out after about five bottles. That's when I had the GREAT idea to dare Nami to take Zoro on. She agreed, but only if I would do it too.

I was out of it after my sixth bottle, so at least I beat Johnny. Anyway, Zoro and Nami were even until their twelfth bottle, or so Usopp tells me. Then Zoro muttered "I quit" and--I'm not sure if this really happened because it IS Usopp who told me, and it easily could have been Luffy--carried me below deck to my hammock.

Which is where I woke up the next day with a MASSIVE hangover. Yeah, I'm pretty much done with alcohol for the rest of my life.

Zoro on the other hand? He was just pissed that we ran out of sake.

"Can I help you Mademoiselle?"

I'm startled from my thoughts by a tall, long-legged blonde man, who has to have the coolest looking eyebrow I've ever seen. It's all curled and just plain awesome.

God, I think Luffy is rubbing off on me...

"Uh, I'm not hungry," I mumble. Immediately, the man's cool demeanor is cast aside, replaced by demented adoration. Huge pink hearts appear in his eyes, his face pulled at unnatural angles, his hands clasped a little ways from his face.

Ah, I believe people call this "swooning".

"Ah!" the man cries, closing both his hands around one of my own. "The beauty even has the voice of an angel!"

Voice of a... what now?

And did he just say... beauty?

Is this guy high?

I blink at him and he turns flirtatious in an instant. He leans closer to me and says, in what he must think of as a charming voice, "Your beauty no knows no bounds, my dear! Your eyes, like twin roses, as delicate as flowers!"

This is where Zoro barks out a laugh, and honestly? I agree with him. My eyes... delicate? Ever heard the phrase, "if looks could kill" Blondie?

And this is where I voice my thoughts. "What kind of drugs are you on?" And I'm completely serious about this question, because right now I'm fearing for this guy's sanity.

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