Honoo's More Blood Thirsty Than Zoro?

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This chapter is dedicated to XxScarletMaidenxX, one of the most brilliant One Piece writers here on Wattpad. I find their stories complex and fascinating, and adore their writing style. They really are one of my favorite Wattpad authors, without a doubt!


Raya's POV

I'm not going to explain to you exactly why I'm glaring at Sanji like he's somehow personally wronged me. It would take too much time and frankly, it'll only piss me off more. But I'll give you a brief overview of the situation. Sound good? Good. Cause that's all you're gonna get right now.

First off, the gates didn't open as planned, because of something unnaccountable: The three-headed judged wasn't dead. He'd managed to drag his scorched ass up to one of the towers and stopped the Franky Family from lowering the gates at the very last second. 

I was thisclose to diving down from the roof and slitting all three throats of his once and for all, but Luffy's hand had caught me by the back of my tank and kept my madly kicking form from doing as planned, placing me gently back at my post. Actually, a different post. This one was beside Zoro, and he was more than strong enough to keep me from doing things that reeked of stupidity. Even when I unjustifiably kicked him in the chest.

Oh, and Franky ( miraculously conscious after everything that happened to him) torched some important blueprints for a massive warship, which promptly resulted in him getting kicked off the tower by Spandam. 

We weren't even given time to worry, what with Kokoro's rough voice blasting over crackly loudspeakers, ordering us to jump straight into the waterfall. 

Because we're all marginally lacking in sanity or forethought, we did as bid and launched ourselves off the roof, only to be caught when Rocket Man came barreling through, smashing the gates opened like a bat outta hell, Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe at the helm. 

After we'd all recovered from our sweat dropping hysteria (landing somewhat safely on the other side of the precipice with Franky among us) and Spandam had had another of his whiny tirades, ordering the CP9 to quote-unquote butcher us (with the exception of Lucci whom he kept as a sort of bodyguard), we all filed into the tower.

And of course, the first room we entered, we found the disturbingly round member of the CP9 clinging to the walls like a fat-ass cobweb. There's a possibility I threw a rock (the closest thing to me that wasn't Ussop - I mean Sogeking) at his large (and very easy to target) head when he told us it was pointless to go after Robin, seeing as how she wasn't even in the same room we'd seen her in with Lucci and Spandam. No, she was already heading for the Gates of Jutsice.

You know. The very thing we came to save her from.

You can imagine the pissed-off scowl that marred my face while he laughed at our misfortune.

Basically, after that, he told us that the CP9 would prevail and that we'd all die here blah, blah, blah. He ranted for a while before he said anything else even remotely useful, that being the fact that the Seastone cuffs bindign Robin's powers could only be taken off by a specific key, which was somewhere among the remaining CP9 members. We'd have to defeat them in order to free Robin completely.

So after getting partially beaten up by Luffy, Boulder Man left, leaving us to consider our options. We decided that Luffy alone would go after Lucci and Robin while the rest of us scattered in order to find the keys. I'd protested at first, thinking Lucci (the goddamn leopard bastard) was too much for even Luffy to handle all by himself. But he'd smiled -  that perfectly childish smile of his that I absolutely adore - and promised me that he'd be alright, said thanks for worrying about my cap'n. 

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