chapter 22

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Erza sweat dropped as she watched Archer kick some poor bastard in the chest. He was sent flying into a near tree, his impact having broken the poor thing. He grunted in pain, blood dripping past his lips as he whimpered. Archer placed her hands in her pockets and easily dodged the magic attack that was sent to her from behind. She was letting off an air of complete casualness that Erza couldn't ignore. Of course she couldn't pay too much attention to Archer seeing as she had to defend herself. She twisted away from an odd looking whip and brought her sword down on her attacker. She sighed as she stepped out the way of a blade. She was handling things better than she thought she would. But then again, they didn't even arrive at the guild. They just wandered the forest and stumbled upon six guild mates who tried to rob them. When they found out they were in search of their guild they got serious and one thing lead to another. Archer is such an honest person. Even in the face of danger.

The six wizards were quickly taken care of. Again, Erza found it to be surprisingly easy.

"Well, they were weak" Archer said bluntly as she cast a disinterested gaze at an unconscious man. "Disappointing"

With her hands in her pockets as usual, Archer followed the scent that lingered on the men they had fought. It was the scent of their guild, most likely.

Erza was quick to follow after the other. She glanced up only briefly and caught sight of Weislogia soaring through the sky. It was hard to notice him if you were not in search of him. His color made him blend in easily enough. He would look like a drifting cloud to anyone else. Her gaze returned to the silent Archer. She was in a good mood. She's usually in a good mood though. Erza's never really seen her with a damp mood. She's always happy enough. She only then realized that fact. Archer is mostly cheerful and amused in her calm fashion. It seems to be her go to emotions.

"Something on your mind? "

Erza shook her head when Archer suddenly directed her attention to her.

"Are you sure? You were staring"

"Just thinking, I guess"

Archer hummed. "What about? "

"About your mood or personality I guess? I mean, you're mostly very cheerful and amused in such a calm fashion. I kind of just realized that"

Archer had a raised eyebrow and the familiar glimmer of amusement could be found in those eyes. She chuckled an returned her gaze to the forest ahead.

"You're not saying anything about that? "

"Nothing to say. I am always like this, there's nothing else to it"

"Why are you like that? " Erza questioned. "Does my question make sense? I guess you're like that because it's just your personality. I don't even know what I'm asking"

"I'm just like this. Cheerfulness and amusement are the first emotions I was introduced to, so I suppose that is why. My calm take on everything is just something that seems to run in my family " Archer answered honestly with a shrug.

"Your first emotions? "

"Yep" Archer said, popping the p.

"Did you have trouble experiencing emotions? " Erza was now very curious. It was hard t believe Archer had such a problem. She's displayed emotions like most people. Although she never saw her angry or annoyed or anything like that. Does she have struggles with those emotions as well?

"You can say that" Archer seemed in thought. "I was born without emotions, to put it plainly"

"How were you born without emotions? Is it an illness? "

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