XIV| That person for someone

813 33 21

|Vera Maklakova|

"Huh," he said, looking at his phone. "To which religion does your family belong?" Diavolo asked.

His weird question relaxed me "My grandpa belonged to the Orthodox Church but my dad became a catholic due to my mother; that's why I celebrate Christmas on the 24th and not on January 7th."

"Because of the Julian calendar," he lightly chuckled. "That's incredible."

"Yeah but bosses from my family are still sworn in by the head of the Orthodox Church to honor my grandpa's memory," I informed. "My dad switched to Catholicism because of my mother; she's not Russian, she moved here from London when she was five years old."

"My mother was born in London when her parents were visiting England for their second anniversary," he told and that's something I didn't know. "She moved to the States when she was 16 and the next year she met my dad; they got married on her twentieth birthday and didn't know she was two months pregnant with my sister."

My finger tapped the steering wheel "How often do you miss her?"

"All the time," he immediately replied. "She's not there to pick up the phone when it feels like the only person who can fix me is her."

"My mother loves to treat others like her own children so once this is all over, you can call her to fix you; she loves it," I commented as a joke and he actually chuckled.

"Maybe once this is all resolved, I could meet your mother," he told.

I immediately glanced at him "It would be lovely."

"It would be, indeed."

For the next three hours, we talked from time to time, however, the silence was comfortable and enjoyable. Diavolo played calming music and it kept me in a stable mood.

Once we got to the location, I was surprised to find a refurbished Cathedral with its doors opened and a single car outside. I hopped off the car and placed the black faux fur kubanka on my head to protect it from the mighty cold.

Diavolo met me at the front of the car "Whatever we find or do not find here won't stop of from overthrowing Dimitri, Vera. You have people on your side too."

A light smile curved my lips "Thank you, Diavolo."

He lightly bowed his head "After you."

The first step gave me a blood-curdling sensation because I don't know what's inside of this place; I don't even know if the letter was willingly written by my father or if it was imposed to him by my fiancé...if it weren't for me bringing him into our family, my pápa would be alive. I've always been the one who fucks up which is why no one but my parents believed I should be the head of the family.

I sighed deeply, climbing up the couple of steps that lead into the stunning building. There's a white carpet with brilliant golden embroidery that leads from the entrance to the altar. The decor is minimalistic with gothic arches; this is a catholic cathedral.

Kneeling under the altar on the other end, there was someone in a black suit and his mid-long hair seemed familiar.

"Zdrávstvuytye, ser," I greeted, cautiously approaching him. The person got up which is when I spotted the ink on the sides of his hands which spell my name in Cyrillic; my heart instantly commenced pounding.

(Hello, Sir.)

He turned around, buttoning his jacket with a soft smile on his lips "Darling, I am terribly sorry for your loss," the British man walked towards me with a wooden rosary around his right palm which was a gift from me when we were together.

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