XXX| To live to love you

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|Diavolo DeLuca|

It's so wonderful to see her eyes again and see those lips of hers curve into a gentle smile that tells me everything is going to be all right. Just seeing her awake is more than enough for me to want to jump around and scream in excitement. Seeing Vera get hurt forced me to be candid about my love for her, and I don't regret one word I said to her; my only wish is that we didn't have to reach these circumstances for it to happen. My timing is not always perfect, I'll admit that but my feelings are always genuine.

"What are you thinking about, baby?" Vera asked and I immediately looked at her. "You've been standing there with your underwear in your hands for five minutes — is everything all right? I'm not complaining about the view, but you seem elsewhere."

I softly smiled, glancing down at my underwear "Yeah, I'm just thinking about what I have to do today; first thing is calling my personal surgeon so he can help me make a list of all things necessary to move you to a secure location," I approached her to peck her forehead.

"What secure location?" She asked with a risen eyebrow. "We are not going back to your house?"

"I don't think that would be wise, angel, especially since Samael is on the wind," I explained.

Vera frowned "But I love that house; it's where we fell in love and I don't want him to ruin that for us besides, with your security force and mine combined we will be safe," she told as her right hand caressed my cheek. "Please baby, I want to go home."

I couldn't help but smile "Okay angel, I'll make the necessary arrangements with Archibald so our home is safe for your return," I leaned down once again, but this time to peck her lips. "I love you."

"I love you," Vera whispered with red cheeks.

Though Vera has been in the hospital for five days now, and she's making a fast recovery, she still has weeks to go for her wounds to fully heal and so she can go back to her normal life. Being by her side these last couple of days, solely taking care of her, have made me realize that that's what I enjoy the most — taking care of her and making sure she has everything she needs and wants. It reminds me of how my mother genuinely loved being the caretaker, and how she always said that our family was her biggest accomplishment; I hadn't realized until now that maybe that's what I'm meant to do because it's what I'm drawn to the most. Don't misunderstand me, taking care of my family's business was an honor, but it's not something I was passionate about.

Once fully dressed, I left Vera with Emilia to go meet Archibald at the house. I used the helicopter since it's the fastest way there. My sister has gone back to the US since she has an organization to run, but we are in constant contact, plus she made sure to send my little brothers to support me. However, I've given them some tasks to take care of so I can keep them off my back; I don't need babysitters.

"How is she?" Archibald asked as soon as I stepped into my home.

A smile appeared on my lips "She's doing well and constantly asks the Doctor when will she be able to have a shot of vodka," I told, and Archibald's shoulders relaxed. "Vera is strong; she'll be back on her feet before we know it."

"If you weren't there to stop her, she would be prancing about already — which she might be doing at the moment," he said with a smile, making us both chuckle. "I'm happy you guys are together — you were made for each other."

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