XXII| Sane

538 20 7

|Diavolo DeLuca|

"Thank you, Elias," Vera said to Elias as he placed down the ecru platter with real gold encircling with a ton of waffles on it.

Elias gave us a quick nod "Sure thing, Vera. I have some things to go take care–"

"Why don't you stay? You made a lot of waffles," Emilia asked, looking up at him with a soft smile...a smile that conveys more than friendship; does Emilia like Elias? Elias was in an open relationship with his past girlfriend, and she was having sex with her gynecologist too, and he turned out to be the father of the baby so she ended everything with Elias to try and have something serious with the father of her baby. Was Elias hurt? Not by her having sex with someone else because that was the agreement they had, but because he's no longer going to be a father–at first he was petrified but quickly fell in love with the idea.

Vera nodded "Yeah, stay Elias," she backing up my best friend with that charming smile than no one can resist.

The man nodded with a light chuckle "Only because you guys begged," he joked.

"You wish," Vera used her fork and knife to place to waffles on her plate which matches the platter. "Emilia, how long have you been friends with Dio?"

My lips curved into a smile at the nickname, and Vera knows very well how long Emilia and I have been friends, but she's being polite.

"Almost three years," she replied, grabbing two waffles for herself. "Time has gone by so quickly, I cannot believe it's almost been thirty-six months since you first stood at the supermarket."

"In awful shape by the way," I commented, picking up my flute to take a sip of my mimosa.

Emilia nodded "Your beard was a mess and your mind elsewhere," her eyes glanced at Vera "I'm glad to see something else in your eyes nowadays."

Vera was peacefully drowning her waffles in maple syrup with a smile "I have yet to see the beard but he does smile more than when I met him," the Russian woman looked my way.

"Well you can tell a good joke here and there," I teased, making her chuckle.

Elias cleared his throat "That's such a friendly comment, don't you think Emilia?" he's obviously teasing and mocking.

My eyes moved to Elias who was smirking "It comes with having good friends, asshole."


Vera squeezed my thigh under the table and interrupted me "How is school going, Emilia? Have you found your place? I remember being so scared when I moved to London."

The man across me stuck his tongue out and I flipped him off–grown up behavior at its finest; be better than us.

"It was quite difficult in the beginning but when I met my friends, it all felt more natural because they're actively helping me to adapt; Diavolo you would love them," Emilia replied with a smile; it makes me beyond ecstatic that Emilia is doing so well, because for two years she was the only light in my life.

It might sound awful because my family has always been there if I ever needed it, but Emilia is so different to them and she seemed to care from the first time we spoke. In the beginning she would always tell me bad jokes that got a small smile out of me, until she told one that made me laugh so hard I cried, because I hadn't laughed in such a long time. Her weekly company kept me sane, and it gave me something to look forward to.

"Then I shall visit you soon or you could bring them to Italy; I could treat them to a vacation in whichever city they prefer," I stole a piece of waffle from Vera's plate, and she didn't mind which is new since she hates it when you steal food from her without asking. Guess it's because we have shared fluids.

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