XVIII| Seven

476 31 16

|Vera Maklakova|

My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I heard were the news in Russian, the sunlight from the window wasn't blinding but it make my head throb "Mhh," I slowly sat up and there was Archibald, standing in front of the TV; we are in my home, in the guest bedroom my uncle usually uses when he stays here.

The blond turned around to look at me "Hey, sweetheart," he approached the bed and sat on the edge, beside me with a soft smile "how are you feeling?"

"My head is killing me," I rubbed my temples. "What happened?"

"We were on the bridge and you fainted, but Diavolo caught you before you hit the ground," he informed, gently rubbing my arms. "I'm going to have someone bring you breakfast."

"How long have I been asleep?" I feel extremely dazed, and that only happens when I sleep for more than ten hours.

Archibald cleared his throat "Two days; you were dehydrated, Vera, and sleep-deprived. It seems as if your body just let go when you killed Dimitri." He reached for the landline and dialed zero "Good morning kitchen, could you bring Miss Maklakova her breakfast?" he nodded as the person on the other side answered "sounds perfect, thank you."

"Where's Diavolo?" I asked as soon as he put the phone down, still rubbing my temples.

My ex cleared his throat as he reached for the Advil bottle on the nightstand "Um, well, somewhere around," he showed me a light smile.

I arched an eyebrow, letting my hands fall to my lap "Darling, my head hurts too much to try to decipher you right now; where is Diavolo?" I insisted.

A deep sigh left his mouth as he popped the bottle open "We don't know."

My arms crossed as my heart commenced racing "What do you mean you don't know? Did something happen to him and I don't remem–"

"No, no," Archibald interrupted with a light smile. "All right, so after you fainted we took you the hospital and they started an IV rehydration but by the time the needle had pierced your skin, he was no longer there," he informed, handing me a glass of water. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"No," my eyes filled with tears as I leaned back on the headboard "it's fine; he has to go on with his life, and I have to go on with mine. He was just here to help me with Dimitri so it's reasonable he left once the mission was completed."


"But nothing, Archibald," I interrupted, taking the pills from his palm. "He's gone and I have to move on, even if that's the last thing I want to do and even if I need him more than ever." The droplets ran down my cheeks as my lower lip quivered "Why did he have to leave, Archibald?" my voice broke.

"I know, sweetheart," he threw his arms around me and held me tightly.

When will I stop losing people?

|Diavolo DeLuca|
|Seven months later|

"Hi, dummy!" I waved at Alexandria on my computer screen. "How are you, sweetie?"

"I'm fine," she said, looking down at her journal. "Are you going to come this year for Christmas? You haven't been here in so long," she's six and speaks like a fucking adult; both tone and diction.

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