III| Heiress

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|Diavolo DeLuca|

"I want to pay for your studies, Lilia," I stated.

She almost spits out her wine "What?"

I nodded "As you said: I make money by the second without having to move a finger," a deep sigh left my mouth. "It should be spent in something good, not just luxuries and regarding your parents situation, I'll get them much better jobs."

"Diavolo you don't have to," she stated.

"But I want to, Lilia," a soft smile adorned my lips. "You remind me a lot of my wife; she had a heart of gold but her opportunities had always been limited due to her living situation...she had no hate for anything that happened to her."

Lilia placed her hand above mine "I'm flattered that you think so highly of me because I do see you as an older brother but you don't have to do any of this for me, Diavolo."

I gently gripped her hand "I want to. You could move to the UK to study at Oxford in a gorgeous house for yourself or a flat, and a car. You know, I need someone to write my biography so that's one of the most important reasons why I'm sending you there."

She chuckled "It's an amazing opportunity, Diavolo," a deep sigh left her mouth "so I don't see no reason to say no."

My heart thumped against my chest; this is the first actual good thing I do since my wife passed "Great! That's great," my smile grew "we should start looking you for a place to live and a car—"

"I have to get into Oxford first, Diavolo."

"You'll get in, I have connections everywhere," I winked.

The rest of dinner was lovely; Lilia is really funny and easy to talk to which helps me open up a little, something that's really rare in my life and that only Davina could make me do.

I'm not in love with Lilia but she does mean a lot to me because of reasons previously stated. Being kind is free and it's something I want to do more often to honor Davina's memory.

At around 1:45 am we were standing outside my house with our coats on since it's freezing "I had a really good time and hopefully next Saturday we can play Tripoley again."

"Of course, sweetheart," I nodded with a soft smile. "Thank you for coming, I didn't know but this was necessary."

Lilia hugged me tightly "Thank you for everything, Diavolo, I won't let you down..."

My arms softly embraced her "I know you won't."

The girl pulled away and pecked my right cheek before rushing away to hop into the car in which Jacob will take her home. I stayed there for five minutes, looking up at the starry sky...

My eyes filled with tears as I stood in front of the metal table that must be so cold for her so I asked the Doctor to place a blanket or something under her once he finished examining my wife's lifeless body.

"We are moving to Italy...just like you wanted," my right thumb caressed her forehead. "No one will bother us there, it will only be you, Ellera, the dogs and me."

Someone knocked on the door before walking in; it was the Doctor who performed the autopsy "Diavolo, everything's ready."

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