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|Diavolo DeLuca|

Vera has been snoring for two hours now and she has me caged with her right leg tightly gripping my torso. She looks extremely peaceful so I don't want to disturb her even if my hip is a bit sore for being in the same position for too long.

"Mhh," Vera whimpered as she pushed me away with her right hand but tried to pull me closer with her leg.

"Vera," I chuckled, removing her hand from my shoulder.

Her eyes fluttered open and she immediately stopped pushing me "Fuck," she said.

A chuckle left my mouth "What? Were you planning to sneak out before I woke up?"

Crimson took over her cheeks "I—Well, it's kinda creepy that I sneak into your room in the middle of the night, I didn't want to disturb you again in the morning."

"You are not disturbing me," my hand moved down to her waist to pull her closer, causing her breath to hitch. My eyes flickered to her lips "How did you sleep?"

"Good," Vera leaned in to peck my right cheek. "How did you sleep?"

"Perfectly," I replied. "I'm glad you came here, I wanted to make sure you had a good night sleep; everything has been so stressful for you," my fingers tickled the naked bottom of her back since her shirt was rolled up to her underboob. "I wish you didn't have to go through the pain of losing a parent, Vera."

"It was going to happen eventually," she replied, glancing at my lips. "I'm just glad I have someone who understands the feeling, with me. After I finally take my rightful place, I think I'm going to take a long vacation."

A chuckle left my mouth "Where will you go?"

"Seychelles," Vera replied. "I want to take my top off and read in front of the ocean or maybe do nothing in front of the ocean, just stop to enjoy life. Do you think it would make me a shitty boss if I left right away?"

I shook my head "I think you would be doing what's best for the business; if you're not well-rested then your leadership might become faulty. It happened to me a lot when I was boss, I constantly forgot that taking care of myself is taking care of the ones who depend on me."

A chuckle left her mouth "You're so wise, old hag."

"As if I was much older than you," I grinned.

Vera pushed me playfully "You asshole."

"What? Are you afraid of aging, Vera Maklakova?" I teased and she pushed me once again but this time I gripped her wrists and pulled her close. "I actually think you'll be a silver fox."

She chuckled "Does that mean that you think I'm hot, Iavo? Did you just compliment me, old hag?"

"I think you're rather beautiful, Vera," I shyly replied. Before Davina, flirting was so easy for me, it was an everyday thing and now I get all nervous. "Anyone with a good pair of eyes can see the evident," I gently released her wrists as her cheeks turned a soft shade of red. We both stayed quiet, looking at each other, and just as I was about to say something, Archibald walked in:

"My darling, I'm making breakfast, would you like anything?" He asked as if he hadn't interrupted something.

Vera sat up, clearing her throat "Don't worry about me, I'll be right out to help myself but thank you, Archibald."

"All right," he looked my way "how about you? Would you like an omelette or something?"

I shook my head "No, thank you."

"All right, I was nice and you two said no," he said before exiting the bedroom and leaving the door open. I do hate when people do that because after interrupting your privacy, they leave a fucking trail of disrespect.

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