XXIII| Breakfast

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|Vera Maklakova|

"Thank you Elias," I said as he helped me get off the car; these heels are no joke, honey.

"No problem, Vera," he closed the door behind me and followed me up the steps.

The door was opened as I reached the top and there a man received me along with a woman with a tray in her hands with a mimosa "Buongiorno," I smiled at them "ha chiamato Diavolo?" I picked up the flute.

(Good morning, did Diavolo call?)

The man nodded with a smile ", he told us to take great care of you and all the trucks are in the loading dock, waiting for your instructions."

"Good, please lead me there," I told before taking a sip of my drink.

He led me to the loading dock and told me the history of the winery and vineyard; it was interesting but I know Diavolo didn't purchase it for that reason; although the wine has improved substantially since then, it's now winning awards–and it's absolutely because of the vision of the new President who is a woman. Yes, there is a capability gap and not being afraid of our feelings is a great part of it; if you want to insult someone for being sentimental, get a therapist fucker.

Once we were in the loading dock, I saw all the trucks with the company's name on the side that Archibald told me they would have "Could you please refill this for the road?" I asked the man who seems to be the one in charge of VIP guests.

"Absolutely Miss," he took the flute and I stepped down the steps to look at the drivers "Vot koordinaty," Archibald only hired trustworthy people that have always been on my side–I handed one of them a folded paper.

(Here are the coordinates.)

"Spasiba Miss Vera," he replied "Mui budem pryamo za toboy."

(Thank you Miss Vera, we'll be right behind you.)

"Spasiba," I smiled and turned around "could you please take me back to my car?" my eyes fell on the girl who was holding the tray at the entrance.

(Thank you.)

She seemed flustered "Uh yeah, but are you sure you don't want to wait for Signore Orsini?"

I nodded, walking up the steps "More than sure, sweetheart; I have many things to take care of at home."

On her name tag I discovered that her name is Vittoria "All right, signora," she nodded and then turned around to start walking.

"How long have you been working here, sweetheart?" I asked her as we walked side by side.

She cleared her throat "This is my third day and I still get lost," a nervous chuckle left her mouth. "I don't want to make you late for your affairs."

"Not at all sweetheart," I smiled "it's just a man I have to go deal with; you know how they can barely breathe on their own," I joked, making her chuckle. "How are you liking this job?"

"It's just for the money really," she shrugged, looking forward "I want to go to fashion school in Milano at Istituto Marangoni but it's just too expensive so I'm taking a gap year to save as much as possible."

"How much is it?"

"Enrollment is four-thousand euro and the tuition is nineteen-thousand and seven-hundred," she replied with a shrug. "I have the money for the enrollment but I want to have at least one tuition fee covered," Vittoria told. "Do you think my dream is too big?"

I shook my head with a smile "I think this world is too small and too expensive for most talented people," from my purse I pulled out a presentation card that I save for special occasions since it has a private cellphone number on it. "I think you should get your shot and I can help you if you want," I handed her the card which caused her to stop walking.

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