VII| It spilled

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|Vera Maklakova|

I sniffled, looking down at the noodle soup in front of me "What if you hurt me? Maybe that way they'll change their mind," I said out loud since I'm back in my room per my request.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Miss Maklakova," he replied.

"Just call me Vera, it appears that you're my only friend."

"I'm not your friend, I kidnapped you," he replied.

A light chuckle left my mouth "This is twisted, more than I thought it would get. I prefer torturing, do you think you could come down and pluck my eyelashes one by one? Maybe use one of those scalpel-looking things for peach fuzz to cut my eyelids off. I have a lot of ideas, do you have a pen?"

"Yeah, I have a pen," he replied. "Please eat, I don't want you malnourished when you go back home."

A scoff left my mouth as I lay back "You still think they're gonna come for me. I don't even want to try to run, I don't want to see them again because they denied me the rest of my life. Did you have something planned if this happened?"

"Not really," he replied. "I thought they would be desperate to get you back."

"Yeah, you and me both. I thought I would get to see you on your knees in front of me with my gun against your forehead, making this wicked speech about how you're nothing compared to me," I shrugged and he stayed quiet for a minute. "I promise to eat if you come down here; you can cuff me if it makes you feel safer."

"I'll be right down." After five minutes, he was entering the room with a tray with food for himself "This chicken noodle soup is my mom's best recipe so you better like it," Diavolo declared, making me smile.

"It smells wonderful. Where is your mom today?"

Diavolo sat at the end of the bed "In the backyard of my New York estate," he replied. "She died a little over a decade ago."

"Should I feel sorry or was she a bitch?" I picked up my spoon.

"She was an angel," he replied. "My dad pushed her to the limit and it drove her mad; one day she shot him and his mistress before committing suicide."

"That must've been gutting for you; losing both parents at the same time."

"And the mistress, she was my girlfriend at the time," he dipped his spoon in the bowl. "It took me years to recover from it. My first relationship after that was Davina which ended the same. I'm the common factor of their deaths which makes me the problem and the one to blame."

"Is that why you're here and not in New York with your family?" The black spoon slipped between my lips and the taste was indeed exquisite.

Diavolo locked eyes with me "Am I that easy to read?"

"Certainly but only because you're handing me out facts and talking about your feelings. This is soup is marvelous, Diavolo, thank you for treating me humanly."

"Of course, Vera," he replied, getting a smile from me. "So why don't you tell me about your family?"

"You mean the assholes who are leaving me here at your mercy? No thank you," I took a sip of my red wine which was served in a bamboo cup.

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