The Stable Boy Part 8 (Vintage!Tom)

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"So you're telling me that your mate went insane, murdered your other friend, attempted to kill you, and then killed himself?" Harrison said, a perplexed look on his face.

"Yes," Tom said and Harrison nodded.

"Well, it's better that you weren't found near the bodies. Then there is no actual proof that you were there then and you burned the clothes, correct?" Tom nodded. "I'll contact my mates in London, see what I can do," He said, standing up. He clasped hands with Tom and brought him in for a quick hug.

"Thank you, Harrison," Y/n said and the duke nodded.

"We will clear your name, Tom. Things will get better and you'll be able to return to Kingston," He said and Tom gave him a big smile.

"Thank you, mate," Harrison left the library, leaving Tom and Y/n alone. He stepped towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into him.

"Thank you for doing this, Y/n," He said and she nodded.

"Of course, your innocent Tom. We'll clear your name and then you can see your family again," Y/n said a smile on her face.

"And when I do, would it be possible for me to introduce them to the love of my life?" He asked and Y/n smiled.

"I think that can be arranged."


Y/n sat in the dining room with her father, he was reading the newspaper as she ate breakfast.

They both looked up as the doors opened and Harrison walked in. He bowed his head slightly to the two and sat down next to Y/n, handing her a letter.


Thank you for writing to us. We will certainly help Mr Holland with this case, recently, I have been to Scotland hall and the case of Mr Morris has been ruled as a suicide, making what Mr Holland has said a complete possibility. We will have a trial in court in a fortnight, we will have the best lawyers to help defend him.

Your friend,

Jamison Kingsley

Y/n looked up, a small smile on her face.

"Thank you, Harrison," She said and he nodded. "But why print in the newspaper that he killed Morris if his death was ruled as a suicide?" She asked and he sighed.

"Publicity. They want to make it a big deal. That doesn't matter though, soon the headlines will read that he was found innocent," Harrison said and Y/n nodded.

"What are the two of you up to?" Samuel asked and Y/n looked over at him.

"Just trying to help an innocent man."


"Are you sure I'm ready?" Tom asked, looking at himself in the mirror. Harrison had given him one of his suits to wear for the trial.

They had stayed at Harrison's London home for the trial, hiding Tom from society for the few days that they were there.

"Of course mate. You'll have the best lawyers in all of London at your side. It's your word against theirs," Harrison said and Tom nodded, taking a deep breath as the door opened. Y/n walked in, she was wearing a light blue dress to match Tom's suit. She smiled when she saw him.

"The trail's starting soon," She said and the two men nodded. The couple didn't take their eyes off of each other and Harrison let out an awkward cough to remind them that he was still there.

"Right. I'll be waiting outside," He said, hurrying out the door.

"I'm so scared," Tom said and Y/n immediately brought him into a close embrace.

"It's going to be ok, we'll be done with this fast and you'll be able to see your family by the end of the day," She whispered and he nodded. They made their way outside where Harrison was waiting in the carriage.

The ride to the courthouse was quiet and filled with anxious tension. There was no guarantee of the outcome of the trial. Both sides had the best lawyers.

Y/n took Tom's hand in her's, his palms cold from nerves and she gave him a tight-lipped smile. Tom tried his best to smile back but his nerves got the best of him. He took a deep breath as the carriage pulled up to the front steps.

The footman opened the door and Tom stepped out, holding his hand to help Y/n out. He stared at the tall building in front of him before Y/n pulled him up the steps.

There were gasps from some of the people surrounding them as he made his way to the courtroom. Tom was led to his lawyer by a guard. Y/n and Harrison sitting in the viewing area right behind him.

"Do you know anyone on the jury?" Y/n whispered to Harrison and he nodded.

"On the far left is a man named Henry Jacobson. A few years back he was falsely accused of a crime so maybe he will be more understanding of what's happened to Tom. One of the men in the middle, his name is Arthur Colden. He's been good friends with the Holland's for years so he'll be more likely to look for a way to help him. The other men, I've never seen them before, they must be from all around Europe," Harrison whispered back and Y/n's eyes skimmed over the two men.

They were in their older years but when they looked at Tom, Y/n didn't see hate, she saw pity. Maybe that was a good thing.

The judge walked into the room and everyone rose on their feet. A young man came and whispered something in Harrison's ear and he sighed. After everyone sat down, he leaned forward and whispered into Tom's ear.

"Your family is outside. Do you want them to come in?" He asked and Tom shook his head.

"I don't want them to watch," He whispered back and Harrison nodded, repeating the words to the young man.

"Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case," The judge said and the jury nodded.


After fifteen long days, the jury had finally reached their decision. After long hours in the courthouse, Tom would be confined to Harrison's London home. Feeling exhausted every day, he ate dinner then went to bed.

On the fifteenth day, after everyone had grown tired from the uncomfortable wooden benches and hearing the same information over again, the jury filed into their seats and handed the judge a small piece of paper, one that had the power to change Tom's life for the better or worse.

It seemed like years before the judge was done unfolding the paper. He read it before looking up and gazing around the room.

"We the jury, in the case of Tom Holland, find the defendant not guilty of the charge of the murder of Jacob Batalon and William Morris," He said and not a second later, cheering erupted in the court, Y/n stood up and wrapped her arms around Tom as he sat there stunned. 

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