Dr Osterfield & Mr Holland (Jekyll & Hyde!Tom)

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The cold cement hallway was void of light as Dr Harrison Osterfield walked calmly along the stone walls. He carried a lantern with the dying embers of a once strong flame. His assistant, a young boy named Sam, followed him hesitantly, afraid to trail too far behind the man and be engulfed in the darkness. 

The doctor's blonde hair stood out noticeably from how close he held the lantern to his face, his blue eyes shining as he kept a quick pace. 

"Hurry Sam, the full moon is only visible above the house for one hour, we need to be quick," The older man said with his proper British accent and the boy broke into a jog to keep up. 

"I still don't understand what you are trying to do," Sam said, his words coming out in quiet squeaks with his cockney accent. Unlike his boss, Sam's hair was a light brown and wavy, his brown eyes holding fear instead of confidence. 

"You don't need to understand, what I am going to accomplish won't need an explanation," 

"It would still be nice to have one," Dr Osterfield gave the boy a dark glare over his shoulder but kept walking. Even though both men were relatively tall, the doctor towered a few inches over Sam, giving the boy much more fear of him.  

They reached a room at the end of the cold hallway, Dr Osterfield took a key from his coat pocket and unlocked the wooden door, pushing it open. The door creaked loudly as the two walked inside. 

The room was full of glass bottles, filled with liquid of all kinds of colour-neon green, yellow, blue, turquoise...and red. 

Dr Osterfield walked slowly up to the red potion. Despite having a mix of every colour it still retained its blood-like colour. 

"I've been working towards this day for the last fifteen years, it's taken me almost all of that time to collect every ingredient, after multiple tests and many fails, I will finally succeed, tonight," The man said, his voice never once wavering. 

"But, sir...we don't have any more test subjects. They're all...dead," Sam whispered, afraid that maybe the souls of those tortured few could still hear him. 

"We will not be using any more test subjects Sam," Dr Osterfield lifted the glass bottle out of its stand, popping the cork off as he did. 


"Quiet!" The man shouted, "Open the door." 

Sam walked towards a small lever against the wall and concentrated all of his strength on flipping it. The metal squeaked as it set the gears in motion. 

Moonlight poured into the stone cellar from a trapdoor high above them, lighting up the area as Dr Osterfield stood under it. 

"Sir, do you really think this is the wisest thing to do?" Sam tried once more, but the man ignored him, bringing the bottle to his lips and taking a large drink from it. 

For a few moments, there was no sound, just the crickets chirping from the garden high above. Sam took one hesitant step towards his boss. 

"Sir?" He asked, reaching out to the man when the glass bottle dropped, shattering on the floor causing the boy to step back. 

Then, the doctor started twitching, first his eyes, then ticks in his neck. Sam's eyes widened as he watched his boss's dirty blonde hair start to turn chestnut brown, his facial features changing, and his eyes turning a dark brown. 

"Sir?" Sam hesitantly asked again. The man before him started to shrink in height, but at the same time, his muscles started to become more toned and noticeable. 

He stopped twitching, his back facing Sam, and the boy heard his heavy breathing. 

"Sir?" The man turned around slowly, his features completely different from the tall and lean doctor Sam had been employed to. 

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