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Even after the sun had come out again, it wouldn't stay for long. Soon the sky would be dark and the moon and city lights would be the only source of light. Only thing is I didn't live close to the famous city, I lived in a little street, more like a circle and in the middle was a little park. The houses were ugly looking. 'Ugly' was a very ugly word and therfore it described the houses perfectly.

We were the only family living in the street, the other households included a few elder couples and another, two siblings, a brother and a sister, the rest of the houses were empty and probably haunted. As cool as New York city sounded, I hated it, maybe because it wasn't where I was born or maybe because all the lights were way too bright. There were thousands of people on the street living their own lives but I constantly felt like a stranger. As big as the world was, I felt small, like nobody at all.

"What are you thinking about Loxy?" Lucy asked looking a bit concerned.

I looked up from my plate of sugar beans and rice and shook my head in response, giving Lucy a smile.

"I'm not hungry." I said standing up from my chair with the plate in my hands.

It wasn't that I was ungrateful or some spoilt brat. I just couldn't eat. I had no appetite.

"Leave it. I'll eat it." Jake said, barely making eye contact.

I placed the plate back down on the table before grabbing my bag from the floor and walking to my room. I turned the knob of my door and walked in. The surprise that awaited for me wasn't the welcome back sort or a little present with fancy wrappings waiting on my bed. I didn't even have a bed at this point, it was gone. Almost everything was. The floor was bare, and in the corner lied a small mattress. My dresser was gone. Most of my shoes and clothes too. Everything I ever bought and worked hard for was gone.

I ran back to the dining room where everyone were seated, laughing together.

Mom looked up at me and smiled.

"Is something wrong Querida?" She asked standing up.

I couldn't believe this. Was she serious? Was this a joke? It definitely was, she just called me "dear" in Spanish, she never spoke Spanish, she couldn't speak Spanish at all.

"Where's my stuff?!" I yelled angrily.

"Calm down, what stuff?" She walked closer towards me, but I took a step back.

Okay, now she was taking things way too far.

"My clothes, my shoes, my bed, all my stuff! Where is it mom?!" I cried out with a shaky voice.

She glanced over at Lucy and Jake before turning to me again.

"Let's talk in the kitchen." She said softly before leading me out of the dining room and into the kitchen.

I just stood there watching her while she poured some water into a glass then stirred some sugar in. She stopped stirring then handed me the glass. I scoffed and shook my head.

"I don't want sugar water. I want my stuff. Now!" I yelled at her.

"Well that's impossible." She said bluntly.

"No it's not. It never would have been if you hadn't took what didn't belong to you."

"I sold it Ro." Mom whispered calmly, too ashamed to look at me so she looked down at her feet.

I couldn't believe this. Why? Was it because she was hurt? Was it is because she was angry? Or did she mean what she said, that she hated me.

"I had to Ro. We needed the money, we needed to survive. I bought groceries, registered Lucy in at a school, I bought her new clothes, a school uniform, I payed the bills and--"

"Had your nails done? Dyed your hair blonde? And let me guess, Jake got some new headphones for his late night gaming sessions?" I interrupted her.

"Sorry hun. Please just drink some sugar water, it'll calm you down." She told me, handing the glass towards me.

"te odio!" I yelled angrily before shaking my head in disbelief and walking out the kitchen, through the passage and into my empty room.

I meant what I said, I really did hate her.

I lied down on the mattress and curled up into a ball. I was angry. I wanted to punch the whole fucking world in the face. I really was a nobody. I meant nothing. I had nothing and no one. I was alone in the world. I took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling. I couldn't cry. I was numb.

Suddenly my door creaked open and a little body peeked through and walked in. Lucy crawled onto the mattress and lied down next to me. She turned on her side so that she was facing me. She looked deeply into my eyes then started to gently stroke my cheeks, her fingertips tracing my cuts and bruises.

"Who hurt you Loxy?" She asked sadly.

"No one." I whispered.

"You fought again." She stated sadly.

I sat up fast, in complete shock and shook my head. Lucy nodded. I couldn't lie to her. She knew, but how?

"No Lucy. I don't know what you're talking about." I denied the truth.

"I'm six, I'm not stupid. I know you get into fights. I know you hurt people and that you too are hurt but I also know that you are a good person. You're not alone. I love you Loxy."

I pulled her in for a tight hug before whispering that I love her too and planting a soft kiss on her cheek.

Maybe I was more alone than ever. Everybody needed somebody and sure Lucy was there for me and probably understood me more than anybody else in the world but there was so much more that she didn't know. Things that I couldn't even understand for myself. As much as I hated to admit it, I couldn't help but get this urge.. this urge which seemed more of a need.

I was lonely. I needed somebody. Somebody for the highs and lows. Someone who would give me theirs if my heart was broken. Someone who would be there for me. Someone like the moon.

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