Chapter 1: Tickles and love

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"Catra please"

Adora was sitting on the couch trying to do her work but Catra, who was laying down, kept putting her feet in Adora's face to distract her.

"What i'm not doing anything" Catra smirked

"Catra, I'm trying to get this done" Adora explained "now can you please stop?" Catra frowned but then smirked and put her feet in Adora's face again.

Adora started getting real irritated, but then came up with an idea and started smirking at Catra "what are you-" before Catra could finish, Adora was tickling her like crazy "AHHHH STOP PLEASE" Catra laughed out.

"What was that? Couldn't hear anything" Adora joked "omg you're such an idiot" Adora was going to return to her work but she turned around "oh I'm a idiot huh?" Catra got up and started running.

"I WAS KIDDING, PLEASE" Adora started chasing her all around the house "get back here!!" Adora finally caught up to Catra and grabbed her and put her on the ground and started tickling her to death, "yeah who's the idiot now"

Catra felt like she was going to pass out, she then managed to grab both of Adora's arm and turned her around to where she was on top and started tickling Adora.

"You still are" Catra then stopped and locked eyes with Adora, those beautiful blue eyes, she felt her heart beating fast, Catra leaned in and so did Adora, until their lips finally touched, they kiss all the time, but every time it's special , Adora then started to slide her hand under Catra shirt but before anything could happen- "what the fuck." Adora and Catra both forgot. Glimmer and Bow had a key to the house.

Before I continue, know that Adora and Catra have their own house and so does Glimmer and Bow. They all lived together at some point but then Glimmer and Bow moved out but still had the key to the house

Adora and Catra tried to get up but ending up tripping on each other's feet, Glimmer on the other hand was shaking her head "Glimmer!" Adora shouted "you were supposed to knock!" "Well I'm sorry, no one asked you guys to try to have sex in the living room" Adora looked at Glimmer with a confused look "but it's our house?" It came out as a question.

"Well what did you come here for, sparkles?" Catra said annoyed, Glimmer sighed " and Bow were thinking about....moving back in"

Catra looked at Adora with a shocked face but Adora eyes were glued on Glimmers "Wait why? What happened?" Glimmer sighed again "I got fired and Bows not doing so good with he's job" While Adora was feeling really bad right now, Catra was trying to hold back her laughter "why? You curse a customer out?"

Glimmer scoffed and Adora looked at Catra with a 'why the hell would you say that' look and Catra regretted what she said, "sorry" Glimmer looked away from Catra and back at Adora "so can we come back?" Adora's face was still in shock but she smiled "of course" Glimmer had a huge smile "thank you thank you, me and Bow will be here tomorrow!" Glimmer was headed to the door but turned around "also...if you're going to have sex, do it in the room" Glimmer smiled and went out the door, Catra and Adora stood their embarrassed.

Adora suddenly looked at Catra and scoffed "what?" Adora just walked away leaving Catra clueless


Since Adora still had to get her work done, I left her alone, I was in the room scrolling through pictures of me and her. While I was scrolling I saw a picture of our 1st anniversary, we went to the beach, it was amazing!

Our 2nd anniversary we went to Miami, also amazing! And lastly for our 3rd anniversary we went to an aquarium, it was Adora's idea, I wasn't a big fan of aquariums but I did whatever made Adora happy.

It was about to be our 4th anniversary so I decided.....I was going to propose to Adora. I just wanna spend my whole life with her, but something that was keeping me thinking was 'How was I going to propose' I was nervous, scared she was going to say no.

After a while I decided to call scorpia "hello?" "WILDCAT!!" I jumped a little "oh i haven't talked to you in a while!!" "Scorpia....we talked 2 days ago...."

"Yeah I know" Scorpia joked "um- I wanted to ask you something." I was nervous.. "what is it?" I took a deep breath "how did you propose to Perfuma?"


"No way..." Scorpia started "YOU WANT TO ASK ADORA TO MARRY YOU!!" Catra blushed "yeah yeah, but what do I do?" "I've been waiting for this moment...ok ok, so I took Perfuma out for lunch and Perfuma had to use the bathroom and the food came out and I put the ring in her food, cause she normally checks her food before she eats, so when she came out the bathroom-" Catra stopped her right there "let me guess she checked her food and saw the ring and you said 'will you marry me Perfuma' and boom, now you guys are going to have a wedding soon, the end" Scorpia was silent for a few "pretty much!"

Catra sighed "what's wrong, wildcat?" "It's make it seem so easy...but I- I can't do it" Catra felt disappointed in herself, that she couldn't pull herself through. "Hey hey, it's ok wildcat, I know you can do this- oh huh? Oh ok, I gotta go wildcat, talk tomorrow?" "Yeah sure, bye" before Scorpia could say anything she hung up.

What was she going to do.

Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, this is my first time writing a story so sorry if it's all over the place!!!

See you guys next time!!! ❤️🏳️‍🌈

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