Chapter 4: What happened?

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I was still in the mall with Scorpia when I got the call....she looked at me "wildcat?" I stared at her "Adora.....she.." I couldn't speak, thoughts we're running through my mind like crazy.

We got in the car and I broke down "Adora got into a car accident and I don't know what to do" Scorpia stared at me, I saw tears in her eyes as well, I got another call from Glimmer "Glimmer? Are you at the hospital, is she alright?" Silence "GLIMMER!" She finally spoke "yes I'm here-just come down here" her voice was cracking

I told Scorpia and we were at the hospital in a flash. I  saw Glimmer "Glimmer where is she?" Glimmer grabbed my arms and was pulling me back "the doctors said we have to stay out here" she told me "no! I need to she if she's ok" "Catra." "NO I NEED TO SEE HER" I broke down "PLEASE, I NEED TO SEE IF SHES OK-I- I love her and I can't lose her" Glimmer stared at me "Catra...she's ok" I sighed

"The doctors said something is wrong tho" she continued, I looked over and saw bow sitting down with his head in his hands, me and Glimmer sat down next to him, next all I feel is arms around me, it was Bow hugging me and Glimmer.

He started tearing up and so did me and Glimmer and we all just let it out.

I pray she's ok.


I saw Glimmer, Bow, and Catra hugging, I was going to join but I let them have their moment.

I walked over to the vending machine and heard talking from the doctors, what made me listen was them mentioning Adora's name.

"We ran some test and we figured out that she has memory lost, and a broken leg but other than that everything is fine" the doctor said

I covered my mouth, 'should I tell them?'


I woke up in a hospital bed, confusing. I heard some doctors talking and then they looked at me "oh good your awake" one of them said "do you need some water?" Another one said, I shook my head which was hurting a lot "do you know why your here?" One of them asked me, I then shook my head again, ouch.

The doctors looked at each other then left, I saw someone come in here, they looked familiar "hey Adora"  I'm very confused now "who's Adora and who are you?"


The doctors looked at me and told me to 'come here' I walked over but they stopped me before I entered the room "She has memory lost so she won't remember you, try not to scare her or anything" I stared at them, what.

I finally stopped looking at the doctor and looked down and the doctor left, I finally went into the room "hey Adora" she looked scared and confused, shit.

She finally spoke after a while "who's Adora and who are you?" Oh no.


They just looked at each other in silence, then Catra started walking over to Adora, Adora on the other hand was still so confused "Adora do you remember me or anything about me?" Adora shook her head "My names Catra" Adora smiled, Catra was trying not to cry, "my names-....uh." "Adora" Adora looked at her confused "Adora, that's your name" Catra smiled "oh ok, well my name is..Adora!" Catra laughed.

Glimmer and Bow came rushing in "are you ok?" "Do you need anything" "Adora?" Adora was looking at them scared and Catra saw her face "guys...she has memory lost, she doesn't remember you guys...or me." Catra turned her head away from them "'s us, your best friends" Glimmer smiled, Adora relaxed a little "I- never had friends, I don't think" Adora had a confused look on her face, Glimmers smile dropped

"Can I talk to you guys...outside?" Catra asked, Glimmer and Bow nodded "where are you going?" Adora asked holding Catra's hand "I will just be out for a few, I'll come back in" Adora responded with a smile, Catra and the others walked out.

"Ok, the doctors said that Adora would be able to come home in about a week, the doctors had asked me to help her remember things so that goes for you guys too" Catra spoke "I just hope she'll be ok" bow looked at Adora through the window "I hope so too, but for now on, we just have to worry about helping her, understand?" Bow and glimmer nodded


While everyone were outside the room, I was trying to figure out why that Catra girl looked so familiar, ugh things were so hard to remember, that sparkly girl and the boy with the crop top looked familiar too.

The last thing I remember was....OH I was in a car, that's it! Maybe that's why I'm in this place "Hey Catra, sparkly girl and crop top boy, I remembered something!" I yelled, they came into the room, seeing Catra just made me feel...different.

I stared at her for a while until she spoke "what is it?" I was silent then I said something "I remember that I was in a car!" I smiled, the rest of the smiled too but Catra frowned for some reason "what's wrong? I remember something" "oh- it's- it's nothing" she smiled again but I can tell this one was fake, I played like I believed it tho.

I looked down and saw Catra holding a bag "what's that I asked?" Sparkly girl and crop top boy went out the room, why? "Oh this thing? pfft it's nothing" "well can I see-" "NO" she cut me off "pleaseeee" I begged "y-you can't" she blushed.

Before I could say anything else a doctor walked in "hey visiting times are over, out" she's mean. Catra gave her a nasty look but turned back around to me and kissed my forehead, what's that for? "Bye" she waved, I waved back, she walked out the room.

Why did I like that kiss?!

Sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be longer, but hope you enjoyed.

See you guys next time! ❤️🏳️‍🌈

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