Chapter 16: We finally did it.

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If you get triggered by this I will put ^^^^ beforehand. And I will put >>>>> when it's over.


I put the address in my GPS. It would take me about 16 minutes to get there.

'I can finally get Adora back.' I thought to myself

I was driving a few then I remembered, I never saw Mermista at the police station. I became a little worried. So many things have happened already. I can't take anything else happening.

As it felt like god heard me, Mermista called. I answered

"Um, so. Sea Hawk started whining about having to take a massive shit . So we are here in McDonalds right now still waiting for him."


"Yeah. ....So what happened?"

"The lady at the front desk had shown me some security footage of the front of the building where Adora and Glimmer where" I told her. "We saw the license plate. So two cops are on their way to the house. Also the lady gave me the address."

"Oh sweet, so we might actually get them back?"

"If the people who took them doesn't leave were all good."


"Here I'll send you the address."

"Ok, we might get their late because, y'know."

I chuckled a bit "yeah I know."

Mermista hung up the phone and I continued following the GPS.


Adora and Glimmer were still in the room talking about random things when Adora asked a question

"Glimmer, Can you tell me everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Like how my life was before the crash."


"Please! Or just tell me some stuff. I wanna try to remember things."


Glimmer stayed silent for a few, thinking about whether or not she should tell Adora about her and Catra.

"Um...ok so...You and Catra lived together in the house we all stay in now and me and Bow stayed at a different house but we moved in with you guys."

"Why did me and Catra live together?"

" guys..." Glimmer chocked on her words. "You guys...we'"

"What?" Adora was shocked "We-....we were dating?"

"Yeah" Glimmer gulped "I was trying to wait until she told you but Catra....she...she was scared to tell you."


"I don't know. Catra is a very confusing person sometimes." Glimmer looked away from Adora

"But how- I'm not gay....well at least I don't think so." She mumbled the last bit to herself.

Glimmer sighed "Just please don't act different around her."



What?! We were dating!?! This doesn't make any sense. I mean I don't like girls. Well Catra...n-no! I am straight. I like guys. Only guys. Ugh then why do I feel like this. I feel...I don't know! All of this is just confusing. So wait...does that mean Catra still likes me? Oh my goodness. Catra did say she was gay. But I didn't think she'd liked me. Or even dated me!"

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