chapter 61 lose control now

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Lisa pov

it's Saturday and Florez gave a party at his snack bar. Lara was talking with some of her friends from another school. I was just sitting down taking a few shots with Clair, Gabriel, and Romy.

" Ach I missed the taste of alcohol," Gabriel said taking more shots. I looked at Romy and she just laughed.

" it hasn't been that long!" Clair said and Gabriel pouted at her already feeling drunk.

" Hey two full days are pretty long," He says hugging the bottle with vodka.

" I at least hoped you would have stopped drinking so much," Romy says sighing at Gabriel who is giving the bottle compliments.

I just rolled my eyes at him. While rolling my eyes, my eyes landed on Lara dancing with a boy. I was about to stand up but the song ended and they stopped dancing.

" Oh oh Lisa is Jealous, please someone call an ambulance!" Gabriel said laughing like a crazy guy.

" I am not jealous!" I say still looking at Lara

" How are you two doing anyway?" Romy asks me.

" Yeah it's been a long time since I saw Lara at the apartment," Clair said, and I just shook my head.

"We are both busy, My apartment is as good as done just a few more things, and she is busy with the family stuff that she needs to attend to," I say seeing Linn talking with Lara.

I calmed down and ate my burger.

" Hello people!!" I stopped eating my burger because of the voice I recognize immediately

" R-Robin, w-what are you doing here?" Romy asks the person who left me.

" I uhm I want to talk with Lisa," she says. I widened my eyes feeling my heart beating fast.

I look at Gabriel and who is also in shock at the girl who is behind me. I look behind Gabriel and see Lara again being close with the guy. 

" Uhm- sit down with us," Gabriel said. Robin sat down next to me sighing.

" Here," Gabriel said giving Robin a glass. Robin thanked Gabriel and drank the alcohol.

"Here Lis-" Before Gabriel could finish I grabbed his bottle with vodka and drank out of it.

" Okay I will get another bottle of vodka," Gabriel says standing up.

I look around me and see Jennie looking at Robin shocked. Jennie and I made eye contact but I just look away, staring at Lara who is now hugging the guy!!

I stand up and Robin also stood up. 

" Let's talk...Outside," She says walking away. Gabriel came back with another bottle of vodka and I grabbed it walking away.

" Owh come on!!" I heard him say. 

I walked past Lara and the guy when I hear Lara saying my name.

" Baby Where are you going," She says. I just stopped and said " outside...some fresh air," continuing to walk.

I got out and see Robin leaning against her car looking at the ground. I walk towards her opening the bottle of vodka.

" I see you still have the same car," I say also leaning against it. Robin smiled at that. We finally made eye contact and I can see the beautiful blue eyes glittering when the snowflakes fall. 

I sigh and stand in front of her.

" Of course there are so many memories in this car," She says reminding me of the fun times. 

" And I don't have enough money to buy a new one," She says smiling, making me chuckle.

" That was it like always we were too poor to enjoy things so we needed to make a lot of money and we made it together," She says bringing back good memories.

" We always promised each other to go through it all together," She says.

" Yes and you broke it," I say drinking.

" Lisa I am sorry...and  I need to tell you the truth about that night," She says.

" The only truth is that you broke up with me because I have a dick and then wanting to have sex with me," I say and she paused.

There was a long silence and I was recalling that night...

" Oh my god, I am fucking dumb," I say banging my head on the car.

" Right it doesn't make any sense," She says placing her hand on my back.

" Why would I break up with you on the night where you were the happiest?" She asks me.

" Because you wanted to see her suffer," Robin and I both look at the person who just said that.

" J-Jennie," Robin said scared.

" That's not true!" She says defending herself.

It is snowing way harder now and It's freezing.

I see Jennie furious and Robin angry.

" Okay let's not lose control now," I say walking towards Jennie.

" Lara saw you with her," She says and I Widened my eyes.

" Shit," I say running back inside.

When I got in everyone is still partying like crazy trying to act cool. I search everywhere but couldn't find Lara.

" Ah, Lisa!" I hear my name and see Romy waving I walked towards her and see a wasted Gabriel talking to two empty vodka bottles.

" Have you seen Lara?" I ask her and she points to the lady's bathroom.

I thanked her and walked over there, I opened the door only to be met with a lot of girls surrounding her.

" You can't come in," A girl said pushing me out. 

" Come on don't act like kids and let me talk to her," I say knocking on the door again. but I got no response.

" Lara come on, let's talk without all those crazy gi- people who are partying," I say. the door opened 

" Did you just called us crazy!" The girl who pushed me away said that with a few other girls behind her glaring at me.

" Uh- no I mean that it is way too loud here so I need to talk with her outside," I say but the door got closed again.

I sighed getting irritated.

Don't lose control now Lisa!


I am back with another chapter!!

I always get notifications of new people following me or adding this book and even liking it so thank you all so much!!!

But now I have an announcement/ question that you can see on my profile and I hope you would comment on what you want. 

 I hope to get a few answers fast so I can already write the next chapter and think about the future.

Just so you know I now have a few story ideas with Lara but a lot more with someone else...BUt yeah read the announcement first.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter and hope you like it!!

I also hope you like my new book!

Thank you!


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