chapter 49

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Lisa pov

I woke up and saw that I was in the locker rooms. I looked around and saw Clair and Lara talking to each other. 

" She is awake," Clair said. I saw Lara looking at me concerned but also angry.

I lost again

I was about to sit up but got stopped by Lara.

" Just lay down for a few minutes," She said.

" What are you doing here Clair?" I asked her 

" Rina got a call from the school saying you passed out, and because she was busy with Rax I volunteered to pick you up," She said. I nodded my head not knowing what she said.

" Don't you have class?" I asked Lara who is looking at me.

" I volunteered to stay with you until Clair came to pick you up," She said.

I slowly sat up and started to feel dizzy again. I looked in front of me until it stopped and stood up, feeling dizzy again, I could feel Lara holding me for if I fall again. I walked a few times.

" Let's go Clair," I said She stood up and we walked away, Lara still holding my arm.

I got inside Clairs car, And rolled the window down.

" when you get home, I want you to eat, sleep, and don't work!" Lara said sternly.

" Yes," I said, but she still looked at me with a warning.

" I Lisa Grace promise that when I get home, I would eat, sleep, and not work," I said holding two fingers up. She smiled a little and gave me a peck on the lips.

" I will come and visit after school," She said. She pecked me again, and we said bye.

Clair drove away to the apartment building.

( Time skip)

Still Lisa pov

I got out of the car and Was about to walk behind the building when I got stopped by Rina.

" Lisa Savier grace! I want you to go to your apartment, Rita is there making some food for you, If I see you taking a step outside the building I will make sure that I cut your dick off!" She said super scary. I nodded my head feeling scared. Clair and I got in the building walking the stairs.

When I got in I smelled chicken!! I looked at the kitchen and saw Rita serving a plate with a whole chicken. I sleepily sat down and began eating the chicken.

" I hope you can take care of yourself as we will help the rest," Clair said. Rita also walked away. and I was alone. 

I ate my chicken and went straight to my room sleeping.

( Another time skip)

still Lisa's pov

I woke up and looked around. I got up and walked in the apartment in front of me that was still open. I walked to the balcony seeing everyone busy, cleaning up. I looked around and also saw Lara standing there with Max and Gabriel.

" Lisa Savier Grace, what have I told you!!" I heard Rina say to me.

" Will you please not call me by my full surname!" I asked her getting annoyed by it.

" And I am juts looking not helping," I said. I looked at Lara again and saw Max checking her out while smirking

" Hey! Max Jhonson!! If I see you checking her out again, Something will happen to all your cars!" I said my voice cracking half way.

Lara walked towards me and looked up at me.

" How are you feeling Babe?" She asked me. 


I instant calmed down by that.

" I am feeling good, can you come up where I can watch you," I said. She blushed and nodded her head. She walked to the side of the building probably going in.

" Isn't Max married?" I asked Rina who was still standing near of me.

" He just got divorced," She said.

" Well the girl also was a bitch!" Chloe said standing next to Rina.

" I will go back inside," I said walking away. 

I got out of the apartment and saw Lara also walking my way, I opened the door for us and we got in.

" You know that you lost," Lara said to me.

" Yes, I know, tell me when the first day will be," I said sitting on the couch.

" where's Koda?" She asked me.

" with Brianna, at Clair's restaurant. They will stay there and will come back Wednesday," I said.

" How's the baby doing?" She asked sitting next to me.

" I don't know, the only thing I know is that she cries a lot," I said hating it that baby's cry

" did you sleep and eat?" She asked me.

" Yes I ate a whole chicken, and slept," I said.

" I feel good," I said as she didn't gave me a reaction.

" I know you feel good, but still, you should've eaten that cookie," She said.

" I know and I am sorry I didn't listen," I said calmly.

" Leigh thought it was her fault," Lara said laughing a little

" Why?" I asked her, not remembering it.

" She was teasing you a lot, and sometimes jumped on you, so she thought, she weight to much and annoyed you," She said. I laughed a little.

" there is no way I could pass out because of her," I said, and she just rolled her eyes.

" Lisa have you s- OH," Julian said stopping walking.

" what Should I have seen?" I asked him not knowing what he talked about.

" nothing, I don't think it's here," He said walking away.

" I really don't know what he meant this time," I said looking at Lara.

" it's fine, I believe you," She said holding my cheeks.

" What do you wanna do?" I asked her knowing it's gonna be boring in my apartment.

" I don't know, wanna go to my house?" She asked me, letting go of my cheeks

" Are your parents home?" I asked her fearing of her parents.

" Yes they are, Why?" She asked me.

" I don't know, I don't like parents," I said.

" You should meet them one day," She said, making me fear again.


It's been a while

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