chapter 18 " fucked up"

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 Lisa pov

I got back in my apartment and looked at the mess from Last night. I looked at my left wrist and saw the dry blood on my hand. I cleaned all the mess up and went to shower While showering I punched the wall again a few times. I got out of the shower and put some clothes on. I looked at my cast that is wet, I went to the kitchen and got a sharp knife trying to remove the cast. 

after a few minutes, I removed it and saw my swollen blue hand with still some dry blood on it. I threw the cast, away and heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw Chloe a neighbor of mine who came back in the morning from vacation. She works with old people and she herself is in her 50s. 

" I was by Pablo and heard loud bangings on the walls, are you-- What happened to your wrist and knuckles," She said coming in. she held both my hands and then looked at me. I was not in the mood to talk about it.

" Where is Koda?" She asked looking around.

" Koda!" I said. he walked out of the empty room with a toy in his mouth.

" Let's go to Pablo's apartment I made my self-made chicken soup," She said making my eyes lit up. I closed my door and went with Koda to Pablo's apartment. We got in and saw him already enjoying the soup.

" Hello, Lisa how was school?" He asked me. My mood went down but I still answered.

" school is school," I said to him sounding normal. I always say that when he asked me about my school day. he laughed at that and patted Koda's head. I went to Chloe.

" How long do you think he has?" I asked her.

" Let's not think about that," She said giving me a bowl with soup and extra chicken. I sat down and started eating while looking at Pablo.

" So what happened to you?" She asked me sitting down next to me. I sighed and looked at her.

" I fucked up," I said.


Lara pov.

I got out if Linn's car and walked to my house. I opened the door and walked straight to my room letting my tears out. I laid on my bed and cried until I felt numb. 

I got up and went to shower and change into comfortable clothes. I laid down on my bed and started thinking about how Sofia teased me as she saw me and Lisa leave. eventually, she stopped as she saw that I wasn't in the mood. eventually, I fell asleep.


I woke up and looked at my phone. I got many snaps. I opened them all and send a streak. I got a lot of chats from Linn and Sofia probably asking about my mood. I just ignored it and went downstairs. I saw My little sister and my parents in the living room. I sat with them and leaned on my dad's shoulder thinking about Lisa.

Lisa pov

I got back to my own apartment and gave Koda his food. I sat on the couch and looked at the open doors of both the balconies. It began raining again, I stood up and closed both the doors. I looked at Koda and decided to go for a walk with him. I got my earbuds, my jacket, wallet, phone, a leash, a tennis ball, and Rina's car keys. I was planning to go to a big grass field where Koda could play all he wants. 

I closed my door and walked down the stairs. I opened the door for Koda, he got in and I closed the door. I got in the driver seat, I turned on the car, buckled my seatbelt, and drove away to the big grass field.

(Time skip)

I was now on the grass field for about an hour now and it started to get dark. Koda was all wet and I was soaked. I was walking further in the grass field when I got a phone call from Rina. I accepted the call and spoke.

" He--"

" Lisa you have to come to the xxx xxx xxx hospital Brianna her water broke!!" She said cutting me off. I shouted Koda's name and he came to me. I ran towards the car that is parked far from the field.

" Hey Kid where are you!?" I heard Alex ask me through the phone.

" I am at the grass field letting Koda out for a walk," I said still running to the car with Koda running next to me.

" Drive carefully to the apartment, you have the apartment keys to Brianna's apartment, so get the baby stuff you think we need, we already brought clothes, and then move your ass here," He said. 

" Yes okay," I said unlocking the car. I breathed hard in and out feeling tired running that fast and long. I opened the car door for Koda and then closed it. I got in and hang up driving towards the apartment. luckily it stopped raining when I got inside the car. I turned the car on and then the heater driving towards the apartment.

(time skip)

I got into my apartment and got the extra keys to Brianna's house. I got a pram...and that is the only thing I got. Koda was in my apartment. I locked both mine and Brianna's door. and put the pram in the trunk of the car. I closed it and got inside the car. I turned the car on and looked one last time at the apartment. Out of the window of the apartment, I saw Rhon standing there looking at the car. 

I got out and walked back inside the apartment. I knocked on his door and he opened it after a few minutes.

" Uhm, Hello Sir, Brianna's water broke so...I was wondering if you would come with me?" I asked him hoping he would say yes.


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