chapter 31

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Lisa pov

We got out of the car, Lara still laughing about what her sister said.

We got inside and took our shoes off. we walked inside and I saw another woman, I think that is Maria their maid.

" Hello, Maria how are you?" Lara asked her

" Hello sweety, I am doing good," she said sweety a super cute accent.

" Maria this is Lisa, my girlfriend," She said holding my hand. I smiled awkwardly.

" Hello Lisa I am Maria the maid here in this house," She said smiling at me.

" Hello," I said still awkward.

" I made some pancakes," She said placing the plate full of pancakes on the table. She got three other plates. I sat down looking at the pancakes. 

" Lisa do you like pancakes?" Rebecca asked me sitting on my lap.

" Yeah I do Like pancakes," I said looking at Lara.

Lara sat down on the other chair next to me. Maria placed the jam and syrup on the table, with a knife and a fork.

we began eating the delicious pancakes. Rebecca shared the plate with me as she added both the jam and the syrup. 

I ate a few and got full. I looked as Lara also finished her pancake.

" wow that was delicious," I said looking at Maria. She smiled and thanked me.

" Lisa are you good at cooking?" Rebecca asked me with her mouth full.

She got scolded by both Lara and Maria.

" I can cook, a few things," I said.

" Rebecca, should we check on the bunny's?" Maria asked Rebecca with a carrot in her hand, She got off my lap and I breathed normally moving My leg a few times because my leg got stiff.

They walked away, and Lara looked at me.

" Wanna go upstairs and watch a movie?" She asked me.

I nodded my head and we walked upstairs.

We got in her room and I laid down on her comfy bed. She laid down next to me with the remote in her hand. she turned on a comedy movie and got closer to me, I prepared myself again and watched the movie with her. 

we were midway the movie and I started to feel sleepy. I closed my eyes and decided to sleep.


( Time skip)

Still Lisa pov

I woke up and saw Lara sleeping on me. I stretched myself and she woke up. She got off of me and turned the tv off. I closed my eyes again ready to sleep again.

" When do you want to start the tutor-" I didn't let her finish.

" it's weekend and you're talking about the tutor lessons," I said sitting on her bed.

" You know it's important," she said throwing a cushion at me. I catch it.

" Maybe I won't go to college," I said wanting to throw it back but I didn't.

"...." She just stayed silent and then looked at my wrist.

" It's healing," She said sitting down. she held my hand looking at my wrist

" I forgot to go to Jennie's," I said.

" Do you want to go now?" She asked me.

" No, it doesn't hurt that much and it's healing," I said lying down again.

" But I still want to know why you laughed when your little sister said that I was cool?" I said and she started laughing again.

" Because you're not that cool," She said

" Give three reaso--"

"You're awkward with other people, your silent, and you don't like being touched," She said lying down next to me. she touched me and I moved away.

" See you always move away, and I always have to wait till you hug me back," She said pouting cutely.

" Well I am sorry I don't like being touched," I said

" but it's weird to see that You let Rebecca sit on your lap and me not," She said sitting on the bed.

" Because she is young and you're not," I said. She sat on my lap and I widened my eyes. I got her off of me and she pouted.

" sweety, I don't like that," I said imitating Maria's sweety. She began laughing.

" that was a good imitation of her," She said smiling.

" But what should we do?" She said.

" I don't know, we could go back to mine, so I could sketch the living room and how it is going to look like," I said sitting up.

" Okay Let's go then," she said getting up.

I also got up and we walked out of her room.   

( Time skip)

Lara pov.

Lisa was sitting on the table sketching the living room while I just laid my head on her shoulder. 

" is Koda with Pablo?" I asked her and she nodded her head. 

" what do you do on weekends?" She asked me,

" I will either go to Linn, watch movies, or play with my little sister," I said. She nodded her head.

" And you?" I asked her. she sighed and stopped drawing,

" most of the time I would be out on the streets," She said.

" and what would you do?" I asked her. 

" uhm... I would smoke a lot, get drunk and... be with a lot of people," She said. I could feel something in her last sentence. probably that she already got with a lot of people or just a one night stand.

" would you go if I wasn't here?" I asked her. she shook her head.

" I already didn't go anymore, Instead of going there I made a lot of money," She said moving on with her drawing.

" I saw your drawings in your room," I said.

" And?" she asked me

" you're good at drawing," I said and she laughed a little.

" Thanks," She said.

there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it.

" Hey Lara," Rina said walking in. she got to Lisa and sat on the chair I sat on.

" do you have my car keys?" She asked Lisa. Lisa nodded her head and got the keys out of her pocket.

" Were you with Julian and Alex?" Lisa asked her.

" Yes, we decided to go and visit Brianna," She said.

" Why?" Rina asked Lisa.

" Because I wanted to talk to them," Lisa said looking at Rina.

" she will come back tomorrow morning," Rina said getting up.

" You're going to work?" Lisa asked her. She nodded her head.

" Okay then," Lisa said working on her sketching. Rina looked at me and smiled.

" Keep her tame," She said walking out of the door. she got out and I closed the door.

I sat down next to Lisa again and watched her sketching

(time skip)

there was a knock on the door. I got up but got stopped by Lisa.

" Don't go and answer," She said to me. I looked at her confused and scared.


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