chapter 28 " bad date?"

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Lara pov

" Alex please!!" Lisa said to Alex on the phone.

" You should have brought that bag with you to school," He said 

" But I forgot~," She said sulking.

" ask Julian," he said.

" Julian isn't picking up, I called him four times already," She said.

" No! go to your apartment," He said and hang up.

" And," I asked her.

" I will do my best not to get us late," She said driving towards her house.

I am super full. we both ate the cake and watched a horror movie. I hate horror movies I always can't sleep for a few days, but it was a good reason to cling on her. being honest I think this wasn't a bad date tho. watching a movie and eating a whole cake was good enough for a short date.

" Do you also want to come in?" she asked me unbuckling her seatbelt.

" No, I'll wait in the car," I said.

She got out and ran towards the door, she unlocked it and got in. I smiled and then looked at the building.

the building looked like five floors are ready to break and fall down behind the building. luckily this is a place where not a lot of people live.

I looked back at the door and saw 4 people going in the door with a bag full of stuff. I looked at one of them and it looked like he was saying the others to be silent. they got in and walked towards the stairs.

a few minutes later Lisa came back, spacing out. she got in and placed the bag in the back seat.

" What happened?" I asked her. She buckled her seatbelt and turned the car on.

" Nothing why?" She asked me.

" You were spacing out, so I thought something happened," I said

" No nothing happened," she said calmly driving to school.

( time skip)

Lara pov

I got into the changing room and saw Sofia running to me happy.

" And how did the date go?" She asked me. I opened my locker and got my bag out.

" I liked it, we ate a whole cake together and watched a horror movie," I said. Vannessa looked at me nodding her head.

" You clung hard on her didn't you?" Sofia asked me. I nodded my head.

" But it was a really scary movie tho You should watch it," I said changing my clothes.

We got out and saw the other team's cheerleaders warming up. I looked at the full tribune people having umbrella's with them just to be sure.

" I swear if it is going to thunder loud again, I will not come out of the changing room," Ashley said. I looked at our soccer team training. I saw Linn and Leigh annoying Lisa...again while training. I saw some of the football team on the tribune with their football clothes on. I looked at the other school's soccer team and saw a few strong girls. We also started warming up.


 Lara pov

we all sat down on the bench as the match was about to begin. It was really cold and it began raining again.

" here," I looked behind me and saw Lisa putting her jacket on my shoulders. I blushed hard while screaming on the inside. Sofia screamed for me at the outside making me deaf and shaking me. Ashley looked shocked and Jennie just laughed at Sofia. 

I looked at Lisa and saw that Linn jumped on her having her legs around Lisa's waist also shaking her. Leigh also jumped on Lisa making them fall on the wet floor. The coach scolded them and they stood in their position.


Lisa pov

we had a break and we scored 2 goals, Zoey made a few good saves. now the cheerleaders had to show their...what ever they do. 

" You know what weird is that they don't know if they win or not," I heard Jane said behind me. 

" Yeah, that is because someone on the tribunes will Judge their...Performance," Linn said who is standing next to me. our school was done and everyone clapped for them. I drank my bottle of water but chocked when Lara hugged me. 

" Sorry," She said breaking the hug still seeing me coughing.

" It's fine, It looked good what you girls did," I said drinking some more water.

" Yeah we did pretty well on a slippery field," She said rubbing her hands together. 

" Nice goal tho," Lara said. I smiled and thanked her. 

the referee blew his whistle and we got into our formations again.

( time skip)

the referee blew his whistle and everyone in my team hugged each other. we shook hands with the other team and got out of the field. Lara hugged me again and Sofia also hugged me. Sofia stopped hugging me and went to hug Amanda.  

" Okay Lara we all know you like her but that doesn't mean you only get to hug her," Linn said. Lara still didn't break the hug, so Linn jumped on my back. 

" Leigh don't you dare," I said looking at Leigh who was getting ready. luckily Jennie hugged her.

this time they both broke the hug and Lara kissed me on my cheek. I looked at Linn and she closed her eyes pouting her lips.

I pushed her away from me and Lara laughed at that. I saw Rina hugging Jennie And Julian walking my way. I looked at Lara and she went to hug Amanda. I walked to Julian and he hugged me. 

"well-played kid," He said breaking the hug. I thanked him and hugged Rina.

" you played really good," She said. I broke the hug and also thanked her.

Jennie also hugged me and I hugged her back. 

" did you control your hormones a lot today?" She asked me. 

" Yeah I got real dizzy tho," I said breaking the hug.

I looked at the field and saw the guys warming up.

Lara walked toward us.

" you also did good," Rina said to Lara. Lara thanked them. 

" Are you gonna go back?" She asked me. I looked at Rina and Julian.

" Being honest I think I will go back," I said looking at Julian. thinking about when I got my bag at the apartment.

"Lara did you saw anyone going in the apartment building when I got in?" I asked her. 

" Lisa you're imagi-"

" Yeah I wanted to talk about that, I saw four people around the same age sneaking in," She said. cutting Julian off. Julian widened his eyes and Rina looked at the both of us.


Hello everyone.

sorry for any faults

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