Chapter 59

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Lisa pov

I woke up and didn't saw Lara laying next to me, I looked at the other mattress and Bri wasn't also there. I got up and walked into the living room. And there I saw Lara sitting on the couch with the baby.

" Good morning," I said sitting down next to her.

" Good morning," She said back.

" This was the worst night ever," I said frustrated.

" Didn't expect you to take care of Bri," Lara said playfully

Bri kept both of us awake all night, probably missing the presence of her mother, or she was hungry.

" I also didn't expect that of myself, but you also did a lot," I said and she smiled.

" Thank you for letting me sleep," Lara said as I let her sleep when she already did too much.

" I also slept a lot," I said.

" would you Check up on Brianna?" She asked me as Bri started crying again.

I got up and opened the door of the room, and there I saw Brianna rubbing her head. I looked at the glass and saw that it is empty. 

" Good morning sunshine," I said looking at her broke face. She laughed at that and said good morning back.

" I would like to give you some time but your daughter is crying," I said helping her standing up.

We walked into the living room and Brianna sat down on the couch, Lara gave Bri to Brianna

" What are you gonna do with the crying?" I asked her.

" well I could breastfeed her, and I do have some milk in my fridge," She said looking at me.

" Wait what!" I said shocked.

" Since when can you put your own milk in the fridge?" I asked her confused. She laughed and looked at Lara.

" Dear would you please get the milk and a bottle, it's all in the kitchen," she said to Lara.

" I can also get it," I said getting Brianna's keys.

" I think it's better if Lara does it," She said.

I gave the keys to Lara and she walked out.

" Did she keep you both awake?" Brianna asked me.

" Don't get me started," I said sitting down next to her. She chuckled and looked at her daughter.

" This is a gift," She said smiling at her daughter.

" But she does look a bit like my ex-husband," She said looking at some parts of her face.

" She does have your eyes and smile," I said and she looked at me touched.

" I think the eyes and the smile are the most important thing in a person," I said and she looked at me amused.

" Why?" She asked me.

" isn't that what they say? Like about the eyes," I said and she laughed.

" Yes they do, but what about the smile?" She asked me.

" Because when you see the person you appreciate the most smiling, you know that they are happy for a moment," I said.

" I do believe that in a day there could be fake smiles, but every day there is at least one real smile and happiness, if it is watching movies, hanging out, or just being alone,"

( appreciate the things, and find the happiness you deserve)

" Do you feel happy when we all smile?" She asked me.

" Yes of course! But (sigh) I just feel happier when I see Lara smile," I said cringing at myself.

" Do you think she is beautiful?" She asked me.

" Of course I do! Why else would I have a relationship with her," I said feeling weird she asked that question.

" What will you do when Lara gets pregnant unexpectedly?" She asked.

" I would stay and probably give a good explanation to her parents," I said

" You are super weird when you talk about Lara and it freaks me out," She said laughing.

" You know your ex-husband is stupid," I said and she nodded her head.

" Lisa, Lara changed you and it's freaking me out!" She said still shocked.

" you should appreciate her good," She said to me and I nodded my head.

" Of course I will, but there is still a part of me that is scared of her leaving me," I said sighing.

" I hope I got the right one!" Lara said walking in, she gave it to Brianna and Brianna gave Bri to me.

She walked up and walked to the kitchen, Lara sat down next to me and I saw her smiling.

" Isn't she cute!" She said all excited.

" Mhmm,"

" You two should change or else you both are gonna be late for school!" She said looking at the watch. 

" You go first," I said to Lara, She gave me a peck on the cheek and walked into the bathroom.

( Time skip)

Lara pov

 We walked into the school we were late for our first period but were on time for the second.

The bell rang and we got in the classroom, I sat down next to Linn and Leigh, getting my books.

" Why were you two late?" Linn asked me.

" Babysitting," I said, and she looked at me confused. She wanted to ask further but the teacher started the lesson.


so chapter 60 will be the last chapter of this book FOR NOW!! 

I will start it but maybe some other time. 

IDK when I will publish my next book but it will be soon Sooo~ 

yeah, I am looking forward to that.

but, thank you for reading this chapter I hope you like it and I am sorry for any faults!

uhm what more do I have to say?

Oh yeah, To all the people reading this.... I am too awkward with this uhm 

thank you bye!

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