chapter 37 " Money is part of your happiness!"

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Lisa pov

I got out of Julian's car and walked into the apartment building. I saw Rina and Rita dressed nicely. 

" Lisa dress up nicely, we are going to the opening of Clair's first restaurant," Rina said.

I got upstairs and looked at my closet. I changed into the nicest clothes I have. I Locked my door and got back downstairs. I saw Rax also standing there.

Pablo, and Rhon, have a nice suit on, Rita, Lia, and Brianna Have dresses on, while the rest whore pants and a nice shirt.

 Pablo, Chloe, Alex, and I got in Julian's car and the rest in the other cars. We drove away/

" When will Lisa buy her own car?" Pablo asked me.

" When I bought all the stuff I need for the apartment and I work again by Alex, Maybe I will," I said.

" Kid you also need a credit card," Chloe said.

" how do you own a credit card?" I asked and heard Alex sigh

" Forget it, kid, just focus on your apartment now, and I will give you part of the money from what we did Friday," He said cleaning his glasses.

" I bet there are gonna be a lot of rich people," Julian said.

" don't you dare steal something from one of the rich guys," Chloe said.

" No, I won't do it, because of Clair," He said.

" You better not be," Pablo said.

" Don't worry Pablo and Chloe, I already earned a lot of money in LA," he said chill.

" Yeah and you almost got killed," Alex said putting his glasses Finally on.

" it didn't happen and they didn't follow us so What the big deal," Julian said calmly

" And If I ever get caught, or killed, The money goes to all of you," He said.

" But it isn't about the money, you know life is also important," Chloe said.

Alex's phone ringed and he picked up.

" Hey Rina," He said.

" Do you think there will be a lot of people?" Chloe asked me.

" I hope so for her," I said.

" And I hope that the food is big," I said.

" what took you so long to get home?" Pablo asked me.

" Florencio," I said and the both of them laughed.

" How is he doing?" Julian asked me getting in the conversation

" He is doing good and his snack bar is also doing good," I said. 

" is it still the same as when we helped to build?" Pablo asked me laughing

" Yes the only thing he did was upgrading the kitchen and hang some pictures, The dent Julian made is still there, Lia's flower drawing is still there, Rina's cigarette is still on the wall, Alex own build record player is still being used by the staff, My big drawing of his face is still on the wall outside of the snack bar, Chloe's sunglasses collection is being used by the waiters or for karaoke, and the big picture with all of us is in his office," I said still not naming all of them

" what did Rina say?" I asked Alex who hanged up

" She is probably on her period," Alex said, making Julian laugh.

Julian parked the car and we walked out. Julian helped Pablo and gave Pablo his stick. I walked next to Chloe walking towards the restaurant.

" WOW~!!" Julian said looking at the high building that is Clair's restaurant

" I didn't think She meant this by big," I said.

We walked inside and looked at the big room with crowded people sitting. 

" Hello Ma'am do you have a reservation?" A person said to Chloe.

" We are good friends of Clair Mana," Chloe said.

" They are with me," I heard Rita say. The guy nodded his head and we walked towards the elevator.

We got in and saw that we are going to the top floor.

" Wow, did you thought it was gonna be this big?" Brianna said holding her baby.

" No, I didn't know but it looks cool," I said.

" Oh, Lisa would you hold Bri for me?" She asked but she already gave Bri to me. I held her and she looked at me. 

Do I have to smile now?

I smiled at her and she smiled back  placing her head on my shoulder.

" Damn," Chris said walking out of the elevator.

We all got out and saw a waiter waiting for us. He brought us to a table with a child seat. 

" I think this is the private floor," Ian said.

" I think this would be expensive as hell," Julian said.

" Where is my daughter?" I heard Rita say.

" welcome my big Family!" Clair said walking out of the kitchen.

They all hugged her and congratulated her. some kissed her cheek.

" I could hug you if I don't have a baby in my hand," I said. She played with Bri and then gave me a one-sided hug. 

" let's sit down," Clair said sitting one of the chairs.

I sat down next to her, and we started talking.

" Oh here is the first dish, hope you like it," She said.

we all started eating and saying nice things to Clair.

" But damn it's big tho," I said talking about the restaurant.

" Yes and it would be hella expensive," She said and we all laughed.

the dessert came and we all began eating again. Rax who sat next to me already made his whole shirt dirty under the ketchup and Cola stings.

" Okay everyone I wanna do a toast," Rhon said. Alex helped him stand up.

" First let's start with that I am sorry for ignoring you all these years as I really got in myself and sad. I am so grateful that when the other people started leaving you guys stayed here and for Brianna, I want to say that, we are all happy we can see you as a family now," He said.

" I am getting old, my time will be over soon, but I want to say how proud I am of all of you, I am happy Rina got lost from that Loser, I am happy I got to take care of Clair and Lisa at a young age, I am happy that I do remember the times I played with Rax, and this guy should be happy I saved his ass for 13 years," He said pointing at Julian, He laughed proudly.

" I am happy that Chloe decided to live here and take care of all of us, I am happy Lia, Pablo and I spent a lot of times together, I am happy I could help Rita with the start of her bakery, and Now also the one of Clair," He said 

" And then We have Florencio, Samantha, Max, Jhon, and Nikky, I hope to meet them again before I die, and I hope this all will go well, and if there's one thing we all have in common is that,"


" Cheers everyone," Rhon said taking a sip. We all took a sip and talked the night further with Clair giving a speech for everyone in the restaurant.


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