chapter 41

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Lisa pov

We won a soccer match with three goals, and I was now sitting next to Linn and Rina. the cheerleaders are now performing as the football team take a break.

" Lara still did great even though she is limping a little," Linn said clapping. Rina nudged me and laughed hard. as I said the walls are thin and Rina wanted to come by but she didn't after she heard...

" Can you stop laughing," I said to her. She shook her head and still laughed.

" She fell really hard, Linn, I even heard it," She said still laughing stopping her tears from falling.

Linn looked at her confused and then at me. She looked at Lara and saw her sitting down in pain.

" Wait...WAIT!" She said shocked. I shush her mouth and told her to be silent.

" You took my best friend's virginity?!" She said looking at me. Rina laughed hard again.

" Didn't know fingers could cause that much pain," She said looking shocked.

I just kept silent ignoring the laughing woman beside me and the other shocked girl beside me. after a few minutes, Lara came with Sofia and Linn let Lara sit down next to me.

" I can't believe you?" Linn said to Lara.

" What?" She asked her.

" you lied to us?" She said. Rina laughed again. and I hit her shoulder.

" About what?" She asked Linn again.

" Don't say it when Sofia is here, she is gonna yell it to the whole school!" I said stopping Linn from talking. She nodded her head and Sofia looked at me.

" I want to be mad...But it's kinda true," She said laughing at me.

" Lara lost her virginity," Rina said laughing. I punched her shoulder this time and she stopped laughing

" You lied!" Sofia said.

" If you tell anyone-"

" We are behind you Lisa?" Amanda said. I looked behind me and saw the rest sitting behind us.

I slapped my forehead and got embarrassed. I looked at Lara and saw that she was in shock.

" We can say that Lara is the first one," Leigh said.

" But damn a finger made you limp," Vannessa said. Rina laughed again. I also laughed a little while Lara is blushing mad right now. I saw Jennie walking towards us and she sat next to Rina.

" What's funny?" She asked us.

" No-"

" Lara and Lisa had sex!" Sofia said loudly cutting me off. Rina laughed harder and Jennie looked shocked but laughed. Lara was hiding her face behind me. And I was ready to murder Sofia. I stood up not minding the other people behind me and walked towards Sofia. She flinched and moved away.

" Lisa let it go, everyone knows," Rina said grabbing my arm. I looked at Sofia and saw her praying. I laughed a little and sat back down.

the game ended and we all walked to the cars. Rina already drove away, and I got in James's car. sitting at the passenger seat. They were all still talking and teasing Lara, Luckily Jennie and James were there to stop them.

eventually, James got in his car. and Lara and Jennie got in the back seat.

James got called and he accepted the phone call. it was Ricky who said that they are all going to Parker's snack bar. James looked at me.

" We will be there later, I need to get my phone repaired first and we need to persuade Lisa to go," He said.

" Okay then we will be there all night," Ricky said. they hang up the call and James drove to the Media center.

" do you girls know a store that is open now that can repair my phone?" He asked us.

" Yes I know," I said typing the address in the navigator.

" Thanks, Lisa," He said and we drove to that place


" It's weird to see you two getting along," Jennie said.

" Yeah you also talked during training," Lara said agreeing with Jennie.

" Does Jennie also know?" James asked me.

" Yes of course she knows, she is my childhood friend," I said, and he remembered.

" Wait does James know?" Jennie said. James parked the car and turned it off.

" That Lisa has a dick, yes I know," He said calmly

" WAIT! How, when, and why?" Lara asked me.

" I was half drunk and when he drove me home," I said. James nodded his head.

" And why?" Jennie asked. We both looked at each other.

" As I said I was drunk," I said calmly.

" Okay, but knowing you you won't tell him it that easy even when you were drunk," Jennie said.

" I don't remember it that good," I said stepping out of the car.

James also stepped out and we waited for the other two.

" Okay, James I want you to be cool because this is Chris's father store," I said and he widened his eyes.

" Is he also there?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

the girls got out and James locked his car. We walked inside it and got greeted by Chris's father.

" Hey Lisa and Jennie," He said stopping with what he was doing. We said hi to him and James and Lara introduced themselves.

" So, What can I help you with?" Hank asked us.

" Uhm, Sir my phone fell, and yeah," James said showing his phone with broken glass and.

" Oh, it must have fallen hard, but it still works," hank said touching the phone.

" I can't go further than unlocking my phone and accepting calls," James said.

" Lisa told me that this store could help me?" James said super awkward. I tried to hide my laugh. and looked at the other two trying harder.

" I can repair it for you," Hank said getting his tools.

" Where is Chris Hank?" Jennie asked him.

" He is in the other room behind me," He said.

" Can he come with us to Parker's?" I asked him. He nodded his head.

" You can ask him," He said pointing at the closed door behind him.

We walked in and saw Chris sitting there playing a game.

" Hey, Chris," Jennie said walking towards him.

" Hey what are you doing here?" He asked pausing his game

He looked behind him and saw us standing there. He looked at James and then back at the rest.

" We are going to Parker's, our school won again both matches," I said and he looked at me shocked.

" You going again?" He asked me.

" As long as you going," I said. he looked at me and then at James

" Please?" Jennie said. Chris nodded his head, and I sighed.

This is gonna be a long night.


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