chapter 46 "breaking"

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I got out of the last van and placed it in front of Alex's store, 

It was early in the morning, and I got in the car with Max and Julian.

We drove back to the apartment.

" So Lisa heard you got a girlfriend," Max said parking the car.

" Yes I do," I said wanting to get out of the car.

" And she banged her good," Julian said laughing. I got out of the car and walked to the girls.

" What is it?" Samantha asked me.

" Started teasing you again?" Rina said. I nodded my head.

" they are just sad they can't make a girl shout their name and scream for them," Rina said. Samantha laughed and I looked away

" Let's not focus on that now," Alex said giving us a helmet and orange vest

We all walked behind the building. We got everything planned for when it falls but not how to let it fall.

" I think we have to do it with a car and rope," Rina said.

" I already fixed two, it's coming this way," Jim said. 

Rhon looked at him and patted his shoulder.

" Thank you, Jim, I really appreciate it," Rhon said

" no problem Rhon, take this as my apology," Jim said. Rhon nodded his head and looked at his building.

" I talked with Jhon and he said we have all the time," Rhon, said.

" Okay let's get a few fences on the side of the building," Jim said. we all helped him and placed the fences in the right place.

( time skip)

It is late in the evening and I talked with Lara. We are now all at the top of the stairs, Florencio got a megaphone and gave it to me.

" Tell them they need to leave now!" Alex said to me.


" They are walking up the stairs now down the stairs!" Nikky said looking at the camera footage

" KIDS COME DOWN, WE WON'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU WHEN YOU COME DOWN!!" Alex said taking the megaphone from me.

I heard Rosa say that they should go down. we can hear them stop walking but they didn't come down.

" They are standing still," Max said looking with Nikky.

" It's almost 12!" Samantha said.

" How long is the shift changing taking?" Gabriel asked.

" 45 minutes with a briefing," Rhon said.

" 10 minutes till 12!" Rita said.

" We need to break the stairs now!" Chloe said.

Ian and Chris got their tools to separate the stairs. 

" Everyone goes out now!!" Rhon said.

Max helped Pablo and Gabriel Rhon. 

" Lisa let's go!" Rina said dragging me down the stairs. 

Chris, Ian, Alex, and Julian are up there and we are in front of the building.

" do you think they will come down?" Clair asked me and Gabriel.

" I don't think so," Gabriel said.

" If they are then I don't want them to come back," I said.

" Kids distance!" Lia said to us. We crossed the empty streets and looked at the building.

" Well, we finally don't have to worry about it anymore," Chloe said. we all looked at the building.

" Okay the stairs got separated, if the fourth floor doesn't fall down we can repair it!" Chris said running down. the rest followed and Julian and Max run behind the building.

" They didn't come down?" Rita asked Alex. 

" No," Alex said looking at the building.

Florencio got a call from Julian he accepted it and put it on speaker.

" Everyone ready?" He asked us through the phone.

" We are!" Rhon said.

" Okay then," We heard the gas pedals being pushed and the car tires.

" Come on!" We heard Julian say.

" There it goes!!" Pablo said looking at the floors.

four floors fell down making a loud noise. We all covered our ears and looked at the building.

" Damn, I expected it to be louder!" Gabriel said.

" Because some of the insides are already turned into ash that's why there are so many clouds of dust," Florencio.

" So there was a fire?" I asked them and they all nodded their head.

" So that's the only reason?" Gabriel asked them.

" Many people died the walls got softer and inside the apartments thing got burned," Lia said.

" That was the scariest night of my life," Pablo said.

" Well, I am happy we can live here now without worrying that the floors might fall down," Rina said.

" It's going to rain in a few hours so let's cover the roofs of our new floor," Ian said. the guys got wooden planks out of the van and got inside the building.

we went and checked behind the building. We saw Julian and Max hugging each other happy.

" Okay let's cover it with the fences!" Jim said. we all helped again and covered the rest.

" Here Lisa let's find the bodies!" Nikky said to me giving me a big flashlight.

We walked through all the big pieces of walls looking for the bodies. 

" Found one!" Nikky said. I walked to her and there I saw Brian lying dead with dust and blood on his body.

" I will lift him," Gabriel said. He lifted Brian up and walked away.

" Here," I said pointing my flashlight at the dead body of Lili. Julian lifted her up and walked away.

" another one!"Clair said. Max lifted Rosa up and walked away. the fact that Rosa said to come down gave me chills.

I looked around and there I saw Luuk. eyes open looking super dead. 

Sad how things could have ended up different.

" Here," I said and Gabriel lifted him up.

" Someone ordered bones?" Clair said. we all walked toward her and there we saw the skeleton of the woman.

" Let's clean that up and get back inside, it's beginning to rain," Alex said.

We all walked back inside and talked about how to move on further.


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