chapter 30 " you look cool"

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Lisa pov.

It was early in the morning and I couldn't sleep. Lara shifted sometimes and is still sleeping.

I slowly got up and walked out of the room. I closed the door behind me and walked to the kitchen. I got a bottle of water and walked out of the apartment. I walked the stairs towards Julian's apartment. I knocked on his door but he didn't open. I knocked again and waited for a few minutes but still no answer.

I walked to Alex's apartment, and also knocked on the door but no answer. I walked back to my own apartment and opened the door. I sat on the couch and turned the tv on.

" Goodmorning," Lara said walking towards me.

" Goodmorning," I said looking at her.

She sat down next to me laying her head on my shoulder.

" You slept really bad huh?" Lara asked me yawning.

" I did," I said yawning too.

"were you thinking about those people?" She asked me.

" Do you remember what they look like?" I asked her.

" 2 boys and 2 girls, one boy had blond hair and a girl had brown hair," She said. 

Luuk and Lili

" do you know them?" She asked me.

" No, No but it's risky for them if they are staying at the top 5 floors," I said too tired.

" You should go and sleep," She said.

" no," I said yawning again.

" are you hungry?" I asked her.

" No," she said.

" But I should head back home, to get my little sister," She said standing up.

" Now?" I asked her a little loud. She laughed and sat down.

" You know you need to bring me," She said. 

" I would like to, but I have no car," I said and she looked at me.

" But the Mercedes?" She asked me.

" No that is Rina's car, she got it from her ex-boyfriend," I said turning the tv off. 

" is she home?" She asked me.

" Let me change and then we will go," I said walking to my room closing the door.

I changed fast into some comfortable clothes and got out. We both put our shoes on. we walked out and I locked my door. It was super silent, not normal silent.

When we got to the stairs I stopped walking trying to hear footsteps upstairs. 

" Li-" Before she could finish I ran the stairs up hearing footsteps. I got to the last floor that is safe  and looked around only to see Rita

I sighed and she looked at me weird. I heard footsteps behind me and saw Lara at the stairs.

" Hey, Lara did you like the cake I made?" Rita asked Lara.

" Yes I really liked it, thank you for making it," She said smiling. Rita looked at me concerned.

" Lisa didn't sleep well?" She asked me. I looked at Lara and then back at her.

" No," I said. she looked at the both of us smirking.

" I told you two to not have too much fun," She said. I chocked on my Saliva and Looked at Lara who is shocked and blushing now.

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