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Who will be against their offspring looking down on them till the point of death before they realize their mistakes,why are those who are blessed with children never once knew the value of them? Jean question in her mind while she transform to black wolf with white line around her neck and ears, Jean was once mated to a powerful warrior but because of lack of pups her husband left her for a mistress who will conceive for him not looking back or thinking about all does years they have spent together as mate, now here is a luna blessed with three wonderful kids who choose to take blind when her first son was put to so much pains,shame and disgrace, she sided her alpha who did not pass through four and half months of pains before delivery, who did not know what it felt like to crave for different food in seconds,who did not know what morning sickness felt like, Jennifer snuf the ground trying to get a scent out of it, (Jennifer is Jean wolf) she kept running deeper inside the forest making sure her scent is well hidden, because in the wolf world a scent can last four weeks after you last the environment,in order to hide her scent she went to a lone witch,payed her to preparing a concoction for her to make her sent unrecognize (concoction=mixture of herbs or magic which results to scent with. Out name)
Running deeper inside the forest she heard a whimp,she tried following the direction it came from only to find a body of a young wolf laying helpless on the floor of mother earth,going behind a tree she changed into her human form and wear the dress she was carrying along with her mouth on wolf form,getting closer to the wolf another painful whimp left which if you don't listen closely you won't hear it,moving a few stray hair from the boys face she was left speechless on how handsome the Alpha wolf was even without a wolf yet you can still Feel the dominant surrounding him which was very hard to ignore,with his face full of cut and bruises she feels over protective of him like a mother wolf will over her young pup,in her heart she promise to take care of him and love him like her own, taking him into her arms she held him with a big fear of letting go, she starts her journey back where she called home a place she will leaving soon in order to take care of the young alpha, stand two hundred meters from her house she brought out mask sent rubbing it all over the young pup body,she sit home on a tree making sure his back was balance against it.
Jean stip her clothes and turn into her wolf Jennifer who had also taking liking to Andy,the both stalk herd of antelope laying low and monitoring their pery they went for the medium one striking it on it neck the animal went limp on their mercy dagging it back the way came from with one intention burning and sending the ashe to the Luna

ANDY MATES(MXMxB)Where stories live. Discover now