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What's this noise about i can hear so many vehicles passing,horning and all,where are am i it was still black and blank my eyes are closed but i can hear and sense the surroundings.
My mouth tastes bitter and body is numb and sore,my throat hurts and is dry, i try moving my hands but is heavy i can't lift them there no possible way I'm in the pack house because this environment screams city but how did i get here, i feel myself moving and that's not possible since I'm numb it just means one thing someone is carrying me but who, they're not Dan and i can't make out their scent maybe is concealed or they have no scent,i thought i had finally made it to a peaceful place out of this cruel world but here is fate playing a soccer game with me and she is leading two to null right now,forcing myself to open my eyes once I did it close immediately because of how bright the sky is,blinking a couple of times I adjust to the bright environment which truely was close to the city the forest are no longer thick neither the tree taller,i groans which makes whatever or whoever carrying me to halt on the spot before I find myself been gently place down by a she wolf,confusion was all i feel looking at me she scratch at something beside me that was when i saw a wrapped up clothes across my chest,i slide it off so she could go change up run behind the tree i can hear crack of bones before it stop few minutes later, a lady around her early forties step out i have never met her before in my life which still add up to my confuse brain.

He is a gorgeous looking young man and he was so confused about what was going on and i will explain all to him later,right now all jenny can chant is check if our son is alright and not feeling hurt and pain.
Are you okey i asked he only nods slowly
Is there any part of your body painful or hurting he shakes his head no
Do you remember the last thing that happened before you pass out he whispered a tiny yes before clearing his throat and ask for water which I'm glad i came along with,after drinking from the bottle where are we at? He asked
New York i replied his eyes were so huge like it was going to burst out of the socket
I will explain later,i'm very happy you are awake now we can go look for apartments together and I know you are very hungry please hang on a little bit son we can get you some thing on the way, he whisper a shakey ok and thank you
Is on this occasion I'm grateful i choose to work for humans back in Arizona and the meat i was able to sale in their market pays me huge some of money that can take care of us for some numbers of years since I was not making used of it in the pack area everything we needed was provided for us by mother Earth

ANDY MATES(MXMxB)Where stories live. Discover now