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Missing my twin brother is one worst feeling since i was deployed but having to stay at the pack hospital bed with six bullet wounds at the Michael's Greenlight Were pack is hell on earth,things are not how is used to be anymore suffering from PTSD,waking up to many nightmare of falling soldiers many were closed friends,brothers and family.

My last mission nearly took my life with it but I'm grateful that the bomb targeted at us by the enemies mistakenly shift maybe the person that throw it out there wasn't focus but we survived with five men died,seven injured with bullet which i was one of those,three went partially deaf and two disfigured,well  ain't i lucky? Yes i am!! Right let me introduce myself this guy here six fit four tall with bucks of muscle is Ricky Dean-Ambrose King  I'm bisexual you already guess who my twin and family is so no further explanation needed.

Not all problems are life threatening i told my self but the quote went down the sink the moment the elder brother to i and my brother friends walk in on me looking pale like a ghost or a vampire who haven't  feed in edges,you might be thinking if i knew about supernatural the answer is always yes years ago in our high school Jas and I  are the most popular and direly jock we were in every sport in school and was also nerd on some  way, one day we were given assignment in biology and it was focus in animal DNA with how protective they go over there family and friends, Jas and i choose to look into wolves cause it was fascinating creature that works within their packs and protective  of their own and also terrorize,to cut the story short that was how we meet Marcello and Lorenzo Michaels who are werewolves they move to New York City at our senior year because their father was building up a business and they were kind to teach us a thing or two about their being  since then we became brothers who are not bond by blood,enough of them though .

Antonio Michael finds me in  the hospital bed struggling to breathe,a sweating ball and pale like my life was going out in flash i could not remember a lot about but i don't wish to past through it  in the nearest future,that night he explained that it was our mate wolf calling out to us since they were passing through torture and us feeling it means we are taking some of their pains away or the would end up dead,now the question is how are we feeling it if we are human and no trace of supernatural in our blood.

Sitting right here on sick bed with a book that title Human or not so human mated to werewolf  which had up to five hundred pages with a chuckle, life had turn one-eighty degree on me, i flip through it a page got my interest stating"A black warriors blood lineage mated to the pure true Alpha"

To be continued....

ANDY MATES(MXMxB)Where stories live. Discover now