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If someone was to come into the bedroom of Ry apartment they will believe the Three men are peacefully sleeping,Andy was pull into a bloody dream full of horror,death and war, his body is soaked in sweat and vibrating with sorrow and agony for the souls lost,for the children left as orphan and families which no single one was left to continue their lineage.

He found his self in open field filled with the deceased,husband and wife interwin fingers even on their last breath,many bodies laying without it head attached to the shoulders, legs were cut off and many torn rib by rib till nothing was left of them, a group of vultures pest on them eating.

These will come through if you don't make a move to stop it, my creation will be valuable even after the war since it will come to the knowledge of human that supernaturals  do exist said a woman who stood at his right hand side.

Her voice is a melody to soul, so calming like a luliby,her white hair falling straight at her hip bone with eyes so bright like the moon with a hint of green in vertical line like that of a snake and who might you be ma Andy ask.

You will know when the time is right, you can call me Serena and these moment all you need to know is,the time is runing out and you need to summon the kings under you, you all needs to work together and have it in mind that it will never get easy.

Disagreement,betray and greediness will play a part in the event,trust and loyalty  will be questioned

How can i call out to them when i never know them to begin with and I don't know how to summon them ma. Andy asked

Do what feels right your instincts will never fail to recognize when things are getting out of hand and what to do in certain situations  remember you wolf is a part of you and he had witnessed the kings rules before, allow him to guard your path also never keep your mates in the dark side till will meet again Andy Andrew Mason Mace.

Andy gasp for air his heart was beating so hard you had feel like it will break his ribs, a strong hand draw him close into a tight hug whispering sweet words to him and another hand stretch out to him with glass of water.

Taking the water in his hand,he was looking at like it was blood which stir the urge to throw up but he force the water down his throat,rising his head he was meet with concern and worried eyes of his mates.

I'm fine he said trying to ease their mind, it was a nightmare or should I say a vision he murmured,his mates were silent waiting for him to continue. Remembering the advice Andy had to promise to dicuss with them the next day when mind is clear...

ANDY MATES(MXMxB)Where stories live. Discover now