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Walking down the hall towards my next class was the biggest night mare of all times,there stands the asshole and his gangs looking for their victim me,i turn on my heels to run far away from them only to hit my face on hard wall but these was not a wall at all is someone's chest and no other but Ken,Marcus bestfriend!! I swallow hard on spit worst was my mouth is dry and throat itchy in bad way,they are not going to do anything on the hallway but know it i'm getting drag right at back of the school, going somewhere are we?? Ben voice tormet my ears or you're trying to runing away from us huh? Well i had say warrior Dan Stunt these morning save you but his not here in the school now,we have unfinished business Andy why don't you lead the way and aviod causing a scene,so we can all go on with our day, i'm thinking on what to do, should i run,i can out run them but they will plan something more dangerous to harm me,and going with them is walking right to my disturction which i don't know how i'm going to come out like,what if they kill me right there? Andy i don't have all day waiting for you to move,i will move you myself if you don't,sorry i will follow down there,why don't you go ahead
Don't even think of running Andy Marcus and the others are behind you,my fate was sealed that very moment that i'm going home bloodie and beaten, we walk the narrow path to the back of the school with them calling me names like faggot,pathetic,weak and broken
The beating follows with Evans and Evra the twins holding me down from escaping ,Marcus punching me and Ben welping with his belt,when they felt satisfied they left me on the ground with broken ribs,black eyes and marks all over my body,sitting right there i cry my eyes out wishing it will all end immediately,wishing this world was not full with cruelty,i drag my feet to the nurse office and grateful the place is empty,took some pain relief and work on myself with the first aid box and wear my hoods,once i'm through i walk into the second lesson which i'm 25mins late to,and continues the rest of the day with much pains than joy,praying to the moon goddess to never forsake me,believing there is something like happiness waiting for me out there in future, though i don't believe in love any more but some part of me that still has faith in love and humanity,that part keeps longing for love,trust and sincerity mostly that part is still forgiving no matter what is happening to me right now,no matter how cruel and brutalize i felt,the pains and scars that will be reminder of all the things my family did to me..


ANDY MATES(MXMxB)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin