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Is been four weeks since i arrived at camp smith and also the four weeks of hell if i might add, never was there time for rest out here, Sergent Godfery is a hard core trainer who does not take it easy with us since he's in charge of our group.

We are age range of 18 - 20 under the supervision of captain Blake,
Sergent Goldfery was the one who give out the orientation and uniform we are to use on our long ten weeks of training before sending to sergent Philip who gave us this ridiculous haircut  which i had not like to recall the event of that faithful day.

Horrible is a beautiful word to compare with our haircut experience,my first friend Ed who i met on the first day he is a sweet,fun and easy going type of guy,he had a long hair like girl and that was the exact reason he was send to the camp so he could muscular,he's father words if you really want to know.

Well long story short Ed's hair is unrecognized right now, look like the asshole father of his payed of the seg philip to shave him bare and worst not even a bit tiedy, so you see how wonderful our stays here is gonna be(note the sarcasm)

The first two weeks was base on road marches,confidence building and formation matches,  there go the orders and commands which does not go well with me and my wolf who was so against it and thinks rebeling was the best option.

It took lots of will power and courage to  get him pulling back  and not trying to show them who is the Alpha, while his stunts brings unwanted attention to us and put us in sergent Godfery bad book.

It was so bad that the four hours sleep we normally have was cut short by two,stupid wolf with stupid pride and ego seems he was forgetting we where sent out here to get stronger.

The third week we were sent out in groups which had 4 people each on it in to the forest on a task of getting the untied states flag which sits in middle of the forest with lots of challenges that needed join force ahh! That did not work out well because i was paired with three thick skulls who thought is best to left me behind,my wolf became drive by surviving instinct which leads to shifting and getting hold of the flag my self.

Ohh! Seg Godfery was so please (sarcasm tone) i just pissed the man off more than thought, earlier the fourth week the news of his replacement was our wake up call after our morning routine  of martial art and boxing we were address on the transfer of a new trainer Captain Ricky Kings, only his name brings chill to my bone and shives of calmness to my body, there is something about him that got the wolf side of me pawing on the surface  and i pray to the moon goddess for it to be good feelings.

ANDY MATES(MXMxB)Where stories live. Discover now