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Believing a befitting burial will wash away the guilt of watching your own mate kill his offspring was a lie Luna kept telling herself while she goes deeper into depression with a tiny bit of hope the Jean will at least tell her that ANDY was never die or someone saved him but deep in her heart she knows the world was cruel because she was cruel to her own flesh,water and blood no amout of bath can wash out the blood that had stain her hands neither will her turning blind save her from seeing the murder of her son nor will her mind stoo playing the visual of it, she was going crazy losing her mind like a she wolf who lost her mate and was turning feral with the instinct of killing everything on her way ,trying so hard to keep a happy memories of son which kept repeating back to when he was a young and innocent pup,breaking down in wrecking sobs she drinks down a glass of scotish in her hand in one go,i'm pathetic excuse of a mother
(yes you her and oh! Not just Pathetic also worthless shameless,stupid and disgrace to the werewolf race, i did not know why the moon goddess end up pairing me with such a heartless human and a destructive male wolf as mate, i will be far happy with a woman as one Mia keep ranting at the back of her human mind) oh goodness im doom for good she sobs herself to sleep not before making sure the door to Andy's room was lock because that were she chose to be sleeping around her son scent...

Jean drag her kill slowly towards the set up woods in the middle of the forest,laying it up before settling it on fire,she added as many flowers as she was able to gather which brought out a scent close to Andy's to the burning flesh making sure it all turns to ashes before putting them in a big mud pot and sending it to the Luna.
She gather up her things making sure to burn down the place she called home and covers her tral leaving no chance of getting a wipe of their scent or any trace leading back to her, she decided New York City will do them good since is far from Arizona and been a big city add up to the equation,she was going to blend in with the humans but she was scared for Andy who have not left his home before,now going to live in a busy city fill with people and much noisy for their liking,she stop miles away after running on her wolf form with her now son on her back she change to human to tend for his bruises and feed him on the herbs and roots she brought along,cleaning him with wet rage and making sure his temperature is not high,she sat him under tree and stroll into the forest to hunt for food is been hours they left and something to eat is needed since she famished...
To be continued................ Mm

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