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Waking up Ry feels like something was off about him but couldn't pin point what he called for the pack doctor to come change his band aids and check on the healing process of his wounds after he cleaned up.
Sitting on the bed with Ken in between his legs unwrapping the band aids that covers the wounded flesh, a strong gasp left his mouth which draw Ry attention what is wrong? He asked the short man who standing right in his face eyes wide mouth open with shocked, I need to confirm these first he rush out words that was not clear to Ricky,checking out the other wounds he couldn't believe his eyes they were mostly healed but how that confuse the doctor more more, the person sitting on the bed was not a supernatural if he was should be healed two weeks back.

Clearing of throat was what brought the Ken out of his thought Ry raise his eyes brow in confusion, you are also healed and that is shocking with this rate just few more hours you will be out and about

Ricky was speechless but how he mutters, what is happening to me he ask his self, I will like to ask you few questions if you are up for it ken said looking into his eyes and his told where this was going but he's not going to let anything slip of his mouth Antonio Michael warns him on it and made him promise will only be discussed among him and Jas if they were to ask question it should only be towards their mom..

Go on he replied ken
Ken: i just wanted to know if your family is  some way related to the supernatural world

Ry: my family is in know way related to any other being but human I believed you had go through my blood starting from the day you treats me,did you get anything in your test,Ry ask faking confuse he got a shake of head as answer. So while ask me about ken murmurs a tiny sorry and nothing before walking away .

Making sure ken was not coming back Ry brought out the book he was hiding under the pillow reading through it he came across the title*The awakening*

When the black wolf turn for the first time he wakes of the power hidden deep the soul of his warriors and mates who are to rule along him,this wake up call comes with lots of Abilities which includes Enhance sense,Healing ability,the chilling winds of Dangers and ability to see through soul of a person.

Ry already know about the all abilities except the two later
Chilling winds of Dangers are like feeling calm before the Storm is a dread feeling of blood,battles and war,thinking back Ry recognized the feels of it well because back in the Navy he could predict the wars a head.
Seeing through a person soul  that was exactly why he didn't give ken the answer he needed his soul and heart were black and so full of darkness, well is time to visits the mother he thought to his self,he already talk about something's with Jas over face time but what they need is answers from their mom...

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