Chapter 26

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I walked into the kitchen and searched through the cabinets for some chips. I had gone home early cause I didn't feel like staying out any longer. The boys were still out with Martha, but I gave the excuse that I wasn't feeling very good. But deep down I knew I just wanted to come home and ask Skylar if she wanted to practice today. That girl has had me drooling over her for the past days and I just hope no one notices. I never meant to feel this way and I hate it, but I can't do anything about it. I was munching on my chips when I heard some footsteps behind me. I jumped and turned around, slightly startled. There she stood, with her hair very messy and red marks all over her neck. God, I could smell the sex on her. "Uh, hi?" She gripped the duvet that was around her tightly. All that ran through my mind was that the duvet was the only thing covering her. Curse my teenage boy hormones.

"Hi..." I said as she walked over to the fridge and got out a bottle of water. The thoughts of Michael on top of her in bed ran through my mind and I couldn't help my next question.

"Were you and Michael... you know... doing.... it?" I asked quietly while staring at the floor. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and the jealousy pulsing through me. 

"Uh... it?"

"Yeah... it." I whispered.

"Uuuh..... yeah." She said the last part quickly.

"Oh... okay." I said, not knowing where to go from there as I felt my heart break. She nodded and walked back up the stairs. 

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Fucking hell I hate this. I hate myself. I hate everything.

I just really want to get away. The feeling of betrayal, even though she doesn't like me back, filled me. It's not fair to her that I'm mad because I shouldn't be. All I wanted was to go and have sex with someone and then brag about it to her. Show her that I don't give two fucks about her. I know it's stupid and childish but godamn I really want to.

I couldn't do it , though. Not with the thought of her in my mind at all times. The constant ache in my chest and the feeling of not being able to breathe. I took my lousy bag of chips and dragged myself over to the couch before watching some Spongebob. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes at the thought of them cuddling just upstairs. I tried my best to just focus on the yellow sponge but I couldn't do it. So I simply let myself be engulfed in my pain and tortured myself with thoughts of her and Michael together.


I cuddled up to Michael once again and began to draw circles on his chest with my finger. I pressed a small kiss to his chest before resting my head on it. I felt his hand tangle itself in my hair before pulling me off of his chest and soon we were spooning. 

"Luke's downstairs." I whispered.

"Just him?" 

"Yeah. He was eating chips." 

"He probably wanted to come follow you around like a little puppy." He mumbled.

"Don't be so harsh on Luke. He's a sweet boy." I scolded.

"Well I'm sorry if it's starting to get on my nerves that the boy stares at you all the time."

"He does not." I whispered. My mind did flood with the thought that maybe Luke did have a small crush on me, but I was forcing myself not to believe it. 

"Whatever you say." He grumbled before turning around and trying to go back to sleep.

"No, don't turn around, cuddle me!" I demanded. 

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