Chapter 3: Actually Going Home

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Percy's POV:

As I somewhat predicted it was Chiron who called, "Percy...I'm sorry" Chiron started but I interrupted him.

"Chiron there's nothing you could have done to change their fates, and although your condolences are appreciated, they are not needed" I said, and I have a feeling he understood I didn't want any sympathies, I never really had in the past anyways. 

"Yes, however, why did you tell the police to call here if they needed you" Chiron somewhat scolded, which I was surprised he was doing as he usually was very respectful to the gods...guess I taught him something, though I don't like him using it against me.

"well, I'm a god now I cant just tell them to Iris message me, or pray to Chris and hope either of us are in a good mood to get free mail service to me" I said, in a tone saying he should know this.

"Couldn't you have given them Apollo's number" He asked, as he knows the hunt loves signing him up for subscription services through that.

"He was with us when it all happened, and it would have been a bit rude in my opinion, considering he...he helped, surprisingly" I responded.

"Fine, but they are asking for you, what should I tell them your response is"

"If they are still on the line and presuming they can't hear me tell them I'll call them back in hour to sometime this afternoon, if you write the number down for me. I have to go stop by my palace first, which hopefully won't take too long" I said, only for the girls to start laughing. "better make that sometime this afternoon to sometime tonight" I amended.

"alright and if they ask why" 

"Just tell them he's busy Chiron, come up with something if you have to...but make it believable" Artemis stated annoyed as the girls were starting to get impatient, I'm guessing because they want to go see our new home. 

"Ahh Lady Artemis an unexpected surprise" Chiron said, which only got an annoyed look from Artemis, and I realized Chiron may not know I'm married yet, or that she was here with me as I don't know what Iris is showing him on his end.

"well it should be expected that I would be with my husband" she stated quite blandly, "and drop the titles Chiron you know I hate them just as much as Percy does" 

Chiron, started looking more like a fish from his mouth movements, "That Though I would be lying if I was saying I'm not happy for you two, and not disappointed from not receiving an invite."

"It was only our mothers, my step-father and little sis, the hunters, Clarisse, Chris, Tyson, Ella, Kym, Frank, Hazel, and Hestia, with Frank and Hestia making it official to be an Olympian marriage" I explained.

"The less people that knew the better it was for us as it gave us time to come up with contingency plans for if the hunt was disbanded, which we are currently acting upon" Artemis added, "Plus you are needed at camp as it's leadership has mostly been taking away with Annabeth betrayal, Dionysus going under punishment which starts soon, and Clarisse and Percy rising to godhood, which didn't leave much leadership over the whole camp at the camp" She finished

"I suppose that is true, though I'm sure the campers wouldn't mind a visit from you two and good luck with whatever you are doing with the hunters" Chiron said closing the Iris message

"why was that pony man talking to you on that weird tv screen" Estella whispered to me and maybe Artemis, but I'm not sure if it was loud enough for the hunters to hear.

"That was an Iris message, and New York City Police just want to talk to me, probably about the case involving mom and dad" I explained to her, and she teared up.

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