Chapter 11:

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Artemis's POV:

We were practically done with the set up by the time the campers finished showing us the burial shrouds. At which point Percy went off and collected the Roman demigods, and Ella, as I had Chris go retrieve Thalia, Clarisse, Kym, and Tyson. As for me, I went to collect Estella from Chiron, so we could get some lunch before we started.

Now I know some of you may be wondering, but Artemis, your adopted daughters most certainly want to be here, and well you're not wrong. But if on the off chance they are here, and if my father decides to show up, we can't really hide their immortality status which has yet to change. So that's why they aren't coming, but it is being recorded for them, and Chris brought them here last night so they could pay their final respects ahead of time.

Anyways as Percy came back with Reyna, Ella, one of the two new praetors, and a couple of Centurions, Chris arrived with the those I instructed for him to bring and Tyson immediately ran into Ella's arms. I wonder what their children would like.

Anyways, my possible ADHD aside, all that's left is for Percy and I to navigate Paul's family through the woods and down to the beach once they get here. Percy and I were just about to step outside, but low and behold my little brother decides to teleport right ahead of us just before we were going to step outside the barrier. I sighed...heavily, "What do you want this time brother" I asked

"I...well I forgot now, why I teleported here" He said...I was about to hit him before he shouted wait so I stopped, "I remember now, can I speak a eulogy later on today"

"Is that a form of poetry" Percy asked

"No" Apollo stated

"Yes" I stated at the same time

Percy seemed to think for a moment, "Estella what do you think because his poetry that I know is terrible" My brother gasped and faked a heart attack.

Estella wisely ignored my brother's antics, while thinking about it, "only if it's not bad" she said in a manner that I'm sure even my father wouldn't argue against.

Apollo started praising Estella before she said something, where I nearly fell over from laughing, "stop praising me. Big brother and Thalia say you only want to get in my pants" Estella said, and Apollo froze like completely, "and I don't even know what that means but it sounds like the worst idea in the history of ideas" she finished, and I think Apollo died from shock.

"Thalia and I taught you well little sis" Percy said laughing his ass off

"I can't believe you two taught her that already" I said, as I grabbed Percy's hand with one of mine and started dragging him around my collapsed brother, while carrying Estella in the other.

Time skip: Line break broke it's back

After that it was only a half hour until Paul's family showed up and I'm still debating if I should kill his father or not for how rude he has been throughout this process, but right now I'm thinking no because witnesses, and the sooner we are done here the sooner they all can go back home.

Right as they were all getting out I recognized Officer Smith's car pulling up. She stepped out and asked "I hope it's alright with you that I came" she stated

"It's fine" Percy said, while Paul's family seemed to debate the matter.

We began guiding the group through the forest though I could sense Percy's unease as he had a hand on Anaklusmos the whole time through the forest. However, after about being halfway through the forest Paul's nieces and sisters/sister-in-laws started complaining about the long hike as they were all wearing heels, where as, Paul's mother who took the advice we gave was wearing flats.

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