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Percy's POV: 3 years later

Ok I know I just skipped over a lot of stuff but it is all boring I swear...well mostly boring. Reintegration was a slow process and was still happening, and Zeus was still complaining to his mother and getting slapped for it, just far less frequently as time passed. Oh and Athena was sentenced to permanently become mortal, which left us with a void in her domains for the moment.

However, being the King of both Titans and Gods was much more challenging than one assumed as years, well millennia, of prejudices were still there and was making integration between titans and gods near impossible. And yes that does include many of the titans that weren't invited to stay in my domain, because of their warring nature or personal grudges. 

They were all being complicated but none challenged the rule of Artemis and myself, and accepted us as their king and queen, and insisted on using formalites, despite how annoying we found it.

On the demigod side of things a few very young demi titans started appearing and by our instruction were getting their own cabins, or being integrated into the legion as per being Roman or Greek. But for the demigods themselves nothing much else changed and they were continuing as they were but with demi-titans now joining them.

However, these good times seemed to be short as one day when Hecate was off doing Hecate things, she got sick, like real sick. She was unable to keep the mist up and running because of how sick she had gotten and many of her children stopped using her powers in hopes that not using it would mean that their mother would have more energy and power to fight off whatever was wrong.

Eventually it was getting to the point that mortals were seeing through the remains of the mist as it was depleting and the more mortals saw, the more they panicked, and the more we were questioning if we should get ahead of the problem before monsters started attacking mortals. So we sent off the more experienced demigods to schools, and gave the satyrs wheelchairs similar to Chiron's, so they could still do their duties.

Two months after those precautions were taking the mist finally fell completely and mortals everywhere were exposed to our world. Which forced our hand, as Hecate was still sick and showed no signs of improving soon. 

"So mortals that is where things are at the current moment" I said addressing the world leaders, all conveniently gathered or video conferencing in to the UN for this. "Any questions" I asked

Immediately practically all the first world western countries, starting with the US, had their indicators for speaking on, closely  followed by China, South Korea and Japan.

"Let's start with the US" I said, "And that's only because somehow they turned their question indicator thingy on first"

"So your plans on keeping everyone safe lays in the hands of effectively children, and nature spirits"

"Yes and no, we have sent out a few of the older campers, who are past college age to be teachers, and Satyrs, so they are not all children. And do not question the capabilities of these children, as you put it, many of them have been dealing with monsters since as young as five and most certainly by the time they have reached twelve. They are trained to fight them for their own survival" Artemis answered 

However that seemed to take a good portion of questions away. "Next United Kingdom" Artemis said

"Why do the ancient laws forbid you all from helping and can't they be reformed" 

"It's not as simple as changing the law as you all commonly do in your governance. These are laws for immortals from the creator of the universe, and although it is unlikely we will face direct punishment for violating them, it doesn't mean we will face indirect one, and we do not wish to push that on to the demigods. Plus we are unaware of what happens in the realm of the fade, which is basically the immortal's version of the underworld or realm of the dead" I answered, which practically eliminated the rest of the questions except for a few, and the US seemed to have thought of a new question.

"alright China" I said

They asked their question which thankfully Frank translated for us. No offense to the UN translators but I have more trust in Frank. "They are asking about what should they do about our educational programs" Frank whispered to us.

"For your educational programs for add classes for Greek and Roman mythology at bear minimum, and we will have some unnamed demigods help with course material. Additionally add Greek or Latin as electives for students, an elective on godly world history, and preferably add some sort of mandatory self defense classes for students of all ages, and more physical close range classes for those seven and older. Archery, swords, spears, and daggers are the most commonly prefered weapons of choice by demigods, and more specifically with godly metals. However, as those resources are limited and research is being conducted into finding a more easily producible version of those metals your standard steel and other metals should work fine for now, they are just less effective against monsters. So close ranged combat or archery should be prefered at the moment as to minimize collateral damage" I answered, "and yes I know that is going to put a ton of strain on manpower to learn and perfect these style of fighting after hundreds of years of developing other fighting tactics that aren't so close ranged focus" 

After we got through the general questions I could tell there was more personal questions, but thank Chaos the various governments gathered didn't asked and seemingly wanted to leave that to the press. Of which we ignored and just went back to our palace to discuss the possibility of furthering relations between godly world and mortals

Olympus Reborn Book 3: A New King RisesWhere stories live. Discover now